Displaying 161 – 180 of 201

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Sudakov-type minoration for log-concave vectors

Rafał Latała (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We formulate and discuss a conjecture concerning lower bounds for norms of log-concave vectors, which generalizes the classical Sudakov minoration principle for Gaussian vectors. We show that the conjecture holds for some special classes of log-concave measures and some weaker forms of it are satisfied in the general case. We also present some applications based on chaining techniques.

Supersolvable orders and inductively free arrangements

Ruimei Gao, Xiupeng Cui, Zhe Li (2017)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we define the supersolvable order of hyperplanes in a supersolvable arrangement, and obtain a class of inductively free arrangements according to this order. Our main results improve the conclusion that every supersolvable arrangement is inductively free. In addition, we assert that the inductively free arrangement with the required induction table is supersolvable.

Support properties of a family of connected compact sets

Josef Nedoma (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

A problem of finding a system of proportionally located parallel supporting hyperplanes of a family of connected compact sets is analyzed. A special attention is paid to finding a common supporting halfspace. An existence theorem is proved and a method of solution is proposed.

Sur la frontière d'un convexe mobile

Manuel D.P. Monteiro Marques (1984)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Siano A , B sottoinsiemi convessi, chiusi e limitati di uno spazio normato X , con le frontiere f r A , f r B . Dimostriamo che h ( A , B ) = h ( f r A , f r B ) , dove h è la metrica di Hausdorff tra sottoinsiemi chiusi di X . Studiamo inoltre la continuità e la semicontinuità superiore ed inferiore di una multifunzione di tipo «frontiera».

Sur la rigidité de polyèdres hyperboliques en dimension  3 : cas de volume fini, cas hyperidéal, cas fuchsien

Mathias Rousset (2004)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Un polyèdre hyperbolique semi-idéal est un polyèdre dont les sommets sont dans l’espace hyperbolique 3 ou à l’infini. Un polyèdre hyperbolique hyperidéal est, dans le modèle projectif, l’intersection de 3 avec un polyèdre projectif dont les sommets sont tous en dehors de 3 et dont toutes les arêtes rencontrent 3 . Nous classifions les polyèdres semi-idéaux en fonction de leur métrique duale, d’après les résultats de Rivin dans [8] (écrit avec C.D.Hodgson) et [7]. Nous utilisons ce résultat pour retrouver...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 201