Displaying 61 – 80 of 764

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Characteristic classes for A -bundles

Cap, Andreas, Schichl, Hermann (1996)

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

The authors generalize a construction of Connes by defining for an A -bundle E over smooth manifold X and a reduced cyclic cohomology class c a sequence of de Rham cohomology classes c h c k ( E ) . Here A is a convenient algebra, defined by the authors, and E is a locally trivial bundle with standard fibre a right finitely generated projective A -module and bounded A -modules homomorphisms as transition functions.

Characteristic points, rectifiability and perimeter measure on stratified groups

Valentino Magnani (2006)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We establish an explicit connection between the perimeter measure of an open set E with C 1 boundary and the spherical Hausdorff measure S Q 1 restricted to E , when the ambient space is a stratified group endowed with a left invariant sub-Riemannian metric and Q denotes the Hausdorff dimension of the group. Our formula implies that the perimeter measure of E is less than or equal to S Q 1 ( E ) up to a dimensional factor. The validity of this estimate positively answers a conjecture raised by Danielli, Garofalo...

Characterization of compact subsets of curves with ω-continuous derivatives

Marcin Pilipczuk (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We give a characterization of compact subsets of finite unions of disjoint finite-length curves in ℝⁿ with ω-continuous derivative and without self-intersections. Intuitively, our condition can be formulated as follows: there exists a finite set of regular curves covering a compact set K iff every triple of points of K behaves like a triple of points of a regular curve. This work was inspired by theorems by Jones, Okikiolu, Schul and others that characterize compact subsets of...

Characterization of diffeomorphisms that are symplectomorphisms

Stanisław Janeczko, Zbigniew Jelonek (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let ( X , ω X ) and ( Y , ω Y ) be compact symplectic manifolds (resp. symplectic manifolds) of dimension 2n > 2. Fix 0 < s < n (resp. 0 < k ≤ n) and assume that a diffeomorphism Φ : X → Y maps all 2s-dimensional symplectic submanifolds of X to symplectic submanifolds of Y (resp. all isotropic k-dimensional tori of X to isotropic tori of Y). We prove that in both cases Φ is a conformal symplectomorphism, i.e., there is a constant c ≠0 such that Φ * ω Y = c ω X .

Characterization of Low Dimensional RCD*(K, N) Spaces

Yu Kitabeppu, Sajjad Lakzian (2016)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

In this paper,we give the characterization of metric measure spaces that satisfy synthetic lower Riemannian Ricci curvature bounds (so called RCD*(K, N) spaces) with non-empty one dimensional regular sets. In particular, we prove that the class of Ricci limit spaces with Ric ≥ K and Hausdorff dimension N and the class of RCD*(K, N) spaces coincide for N < 2 (They can be either complete intervals or circles). We will also prove a Bishop-Gromov type inequality (that is ,roughly speaking, a converse...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 764