On links with one codimension two compontent.
We study a holomorphic equivariant cohomology built out of the Atiyah algebroid of an equivariant holomorphic vector bundle and prove a related localization formula. This encompasses various residue formulas in complex geometry, in particular we shall show that it contains as special cases Carrell-Liebermann’s and Feng-Ma’s residue formulas, and Baum-Bott’s formula for the zeroes of a meromorphic vector field.
As is well known, torsion abelian groups are not preserved by localization functors. However, Libman proved that the cardinality of LT is bounded by whenever T is torsion abelian and L is a localization functor. In this paper we study localizations of torsion abelian groups and investigate new examples. In particular we prove that the structure of LT is determined by the structure of the localization of the primary components of T in many cases. Furthermore, we completely characterize the relationship...
Let G be a compact connected Lie group and p: E → ΣA be a principal G-bundle with a characteristic map α: A → G, where A = ΣA₀ for some A₀. Let with F₀ = ∗, F₁ = ΣK₁ and Fₘ ≃ G be a cone-decomposition of G of length m and F’₁ = ΣK’₁ ⊂ F₁ with K’₁ ⊂ K₁ which satisfy up to homotopy for all i. Then cat(E) ≤ m + 1, under suitable conditions, which is used to determine cat(SO(10)). A similar result was obtained by Kono and the first author (2007) to determine cat(Spin(9)), but that result could not...
We calculate the structure sets in the sense of surgery theory of total spaces of bundles over eight-dimensional sphere with fibre a seven-dimensional sphere, in which manifolds homotopy equivalent to the total spaces are organized, and we investigate the question, which of the elements in these structure sets can be realized as such bundles.
We introduce and study the concept of characteristic for metrics. It turns out that metrizable spaces endowed with an L*-operator which admit a metric of characteristic zero play an important role in the theory of fixed points. We prove the existence of such spaces among infinite-dimensional linear topological spaces.
We discuss two extensions of results conjectured by Nick Kuhn about the non-realization of unstable algebras as the mod-p singular cohomology of a space, for p a prime. The first extends and refines earlier work of the second and fourth authors, using Lannes’ mapping space theorem. The second (for the prime 2) is based on an analysis of the -1 and -2 columns of the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence, and of the associated extension. In both cases, the statements and proofs use the relationship between...
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of -dimensional oriented vector bundles () over CW-complexes of dimension with prescribed Stiefel-Whitney classes , and Pontrjagin class are found. As a consequence some results on the span of 6 and 7-dimensional oriented vector bundles are given in terms of characteristic classes.