Displaying 1561 – 1580 of 3052

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Natural transformations of Weil functors into bundle functors

Mikulski, Włodzimierz M. (1990)

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

[For the entire collection see Zbl 0699.00032.] Natural transformations of the Weil functor T A of A-velocities [I. Kolař, Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol. 27, 723-729 (1986; Zbl 0603.58001)] into an arbitrary bundle functor F are characterized. In the case where F is a linear bundle functor, the author deduces that the dimension of the vector space of all natural transformations of T A into F is finite and is less than or equal to dim ( F 0 k ) . The spaces of all natural transformations of Weil functors into linear...

N-determined 2-compact groups. I

Jesper M. Møller (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

This is the first part of a paper that classifies 2-compact groups. In this first part we formulate a general classification scheme for 2-compact groups in terms of their maximal torus normalizer pairs. We apply this general classification procedure to the simple 2-compact groups of the A-family and show that any simple 2-compact group that is locally isomorphic to PGL(n+1,ℂ) is uniquely N-determined. Thus there are no other 2-compact groups in the A-family than the ones we already know. We also...

N-determined 2-compact groups. II

Jesper M. Møller (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

This is the second part of a paper about the classification of 2-compact groups. In the first part we set up a general classification procedure and applied it to the simple 2-compact groups of the A-family. In this second part we deal with the other simple Lie groups and with the exotic simple 2-compact group DI(4). We show that all simple 2-compact groups are uniquely N-determined and conclude that all connected 2-compact groups are uniquely N-determined. This means that two connected 2-compact...

N-determined p-compact groups

Jesper M. Møller (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

One of the major problems in the homotopy theory of finite loop spaces is the classification problem for p-compact groups. It has been proposed to use the maximal torus normalizer (which at an odd prime essentially means the Weyl group) as the distinguishing invariant. We show here that the maximal torus normalizer does indeed classify many p-compact groups up to isomorphism when p is an odd prime.

Nielsen fixed point theory on manifolds

Robert Brown (1999)

Banach Center Publications

The study of fixed points of continuous self-maps of compact manifolds involves geometric topology in a significant way in topological fixed point theory. This survey will discuss some of the questions that have arisen in this study and indicate our present state of knowledge, and ignorance, of the answers to them. We will limit ourselves to the statement of facts, without any indication of proof. Thus the reader will have to consult the references to find out how geometric topology has contributed...

Nielsen theory of transversal fixed point sets (with an appendix: C and C0 fixed point sets are the same, by R. E. Greene)

Helga Schirmer (1992)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Examples exist of smooth maps on the boundary of a smooth manifold M which allow continuous extensions over M without fixed points but no such smooth extensions. Such maps are studied here in more detail. They have a minimal fixed point set when all transversally fixed maps in their homotopy class are considered. Therefore we introduce a Nielsen fixed point theory for transversally fixed maps on smooth manifolds without or with boundary, and use it to calculate the minimum number of fixed points...

Currently displaying 1561 – 1580 of 3052