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Stability of precise Laplace's method under approximations; Applications

A. Guionnet (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We study the fluctuations around non degenerate attractors of the empirical measure under mean field Gibbs measures. We prove that a mild change of the densities of these measures does not affect the central limit theorems. We apply this result to generalize the assumptions of [3] and [12] on the densities of the Gibbs measures to get precise Laplace estimates.

Sur les grandes déviations en théorie de filtrage non linéaire

Abdelkarem Berkaoui, Boualem Djehiche, Youssef Ouknine (2001)

Studia Mathematica

Soit X ε la solution de l’équation différentielle stochastique suivante: X t ε = x + i = 1 r 0 t σ i ( X s ε ) d W s i + ε j = 1 l 0 t σ ̃ j ( X s ε ) d W ̃ s j + 0 t b ( X s ε ) d s , et considérons φ ε ϕ = ϕ ( X ε ) . L’objectif de cet article est d’établir le principe de grandes déviations pour la famille des lois induites par X ε : ε > 0 pour la norme höldérienne. Par conséquent, on montre le même résultat pour la famille des lois induites par φ ε ϕ : ε > 0 . Enfin, on donne une application de ces résultats au filtrage non linéaire.

The empirical distribution function for dependent variables: asymptotic and nonasymptotic results in 𝕃 p

Jérôme Dedecker, Florence Merlevède (2007)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Considering the centered empirical distribution function Fn-F as a variable in 𝕃 p ( μ ) , we derive non asymptotic upper bounds for the deviation of the 𝕃 p ( μ ) -norms of Fn-F as well as central limit theorems for the empirical process indexed by the elements of generalized Sobolev balls. These results are valid for a large class of dependent sequences, including non-mixing processes and some dynamical systems.

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 369