Displaying 61 – 80 of 138

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Generalización del análisis canónico G2-biparcial.

Antonio J. Baigorri Matamala (1981)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

El análisis canónico parcial introducido por R. B. Rao (1969) fue generalizado por Timm y Carlson (1976) dando lugar al análisis canónico biparcial. Sik-Yumm-Lee (1978) realiza una generalización del modelo biparcial que se concreta en el análisis canónico G2-biparcial.En este trabajo se expone una generalización del análisis canónico G2-biparcial a la que hemos denominado "Análisis canónico C(2n + 1)". Dicho análisis presenta el estudio de las interdependencias entre dos vectores de residuos resultantes...

Generalized covariance inequalities

Przemysław Matuła, Maciej Ziemba (2011)

Open Mathematics

We prove some inequalities for the difference between a joint distribution and the product of its marginals for arbitrary absolutely continuous random variables. Some applications of the obtained inequalities are also presented.

Hyper-dependence, hyper-ageing properties and analogies between them: a semigroup-based approach

Rachele Foschi (2013)


In previous papers, evolution of dependence and ageing, for vectors of non-negative random variables, have been separately considered. Some analogies between the two evolutions emerge however in those studies. In the present paper, we propose a unified approach, based on semigroup arguments, explaining the origin of such analogies and relations among properties of stochastic dependence and ageing.

Jak viktoriánský polyhistor objevil korelační analýzu

Petr Emanovský (2022)

Učitel matematiky

Regresní a korelační analýza patří mezi nejčastěji používané metody statistického zpracování dat. Objev této metody je spojen se jménem geniálního myslitele 19. století  Francise Galtona. Článek je zaměřen na život a dílo tohoto významného vědce a zejména na přiblížení jeho myšlenek při tvorbě základních pojmů regresní a korelační analýzy.

Joint weak hazard rate order under non-symmetric copulas

Franco Pellerey, Fabio Spizzichino (2016)

Dependence Modeling

A weak version of the joint hazard rate order, useful to stochastically compare not independent random variables, has been recently defined and studied in [4]. In the present paper, further results on this order are proved and discussed. In particular, some statements dealing with the relationships between the jointweak hazard rate order and other stochastic orders are generalized to the case of non symmetric copulas, and its relations with some multivariate aging notions (studied in [2]) are presented....

Kendall's tau-type rank statistics in genome data

Moonsu Kang, Pranab Kumar Sen (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

High-dimensional data models abound in genomics studies, where often inadequately small sample sizes create impasses for incorporation of standard statistical tools. Conventional assumptions of linearity of regression, homoscedasticity and (multi-) normality of errors may not be tenable in many such interdisciplinary setups. In this study, Kendall's tau-type rank statistics are employed for statistical inference, avoiding most of parametric assumptions to a greater extent. The proposed procedures...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 138