Displaying 281 – 300 of 388

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Redescending M-estimators in regression analysis, cluster analysis and image analysis

Christine H. Müller (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

We give a review on the properties and applications of M-estimators with redescending score function. For regression analysis, some of these redescending M-estimators can attain the maximum breakdown point which is possible in this setup. Moreover, some of them are the solutions of the problem of maximizing the efficiency under bounded influence function when the regression coefficient and the scale parameter are estimated simultaneously. Hence redescending M-estimators satisfy several outlier robustness...

Reference points based recursive approximation

Martina Révayová, Csaba Török (2013)


The paper studies polynomial approximation models with a new type of constraints that enable to get estimates with significant properties. Recently we enhanced a representation of polynomials based on three reference points. Here we propose a two-part cubic smoothing scheme that leverages this representation. The presence of these points in the model has several consequences. The most important one is the fact that by appropriate location of the reference points the resulting approximant of two...

Reference points based transformation and approximation

Csaba Török (2013)


Interpolating and approximating polynomials have been living separately more than two centuries. Our aim is to propose a general parametric regression model that incorporates both interpolation and approximation. The paper introduces first a new r -point transformation that yields a function with a simpler geometrical structure than the original function. It uses r 2 reference points and decreases the polynomial degree by r - 1 . Then a general representation of polynomials is proposed based on r 1 reference...

Ridge Estimator Revisited

Lubomír Kubáček (2012)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

Bad conditioned matrix of normal equations in connection with small values of model parameters is a source of problems in parameter estimation. One solution gives the ridge estimator. Some modification of it is the aim of the paper. The behaviour of it in models with constraints is investigated as well.

Robust m-estimator of parameters in variance components model

Roman Zmyślony, Stefan Zontek (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

It is shown that a method of robust estimation in a two way crossed classification mixed model, recently proposed by Bednarski and Zontek (1996), can be extended to a more general case of variance components model with commutative a covariance matrices.

Seemingly unrelated regression models

Lubomír Kubáček (2013)

Applications of Mathematics

The cross-covariance matrix of observation vectors in two linear statistical models need not be zero matrix. In such a case the problem is to find explicit expressions for the best linear unbiased estimators of both model parameters and estimators of variance components in the simplest structure of the covariance matrix. Univariate and multivariate forms of linear models are dealt with.

Selection in parametric models via some stepdown procedures

Konrad Furmańczyk (2014)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The paper considers the problem of consistent variable selection in parametic models with the use of stepdown multiple hypothesis procedures. Our approach completes the results of Bunea et al. [J. Statist. Plann. Inference 136 (2006)]. A simulation study supports the results obtained.

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 388