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Seemingly unrelated regression models

Lubomír Kubáček (2013)

Applications of Mathematics

The cross-covariance matrix of observation vectors in two linear statistical models need not be zero matrix. In such a case the problem is to find explicit expressions for the best linear unbiased estimators of both model parameters and estimators of variance components in the simplest structure of the covariance matrix. Univariate and multivariate forms of linear models are dealt with.

Sequential monitoring for change in scale

Ondřej Chochola (2008)


We propose a sequential monitoring scheme for detecting a change in scale. We consider a stable historical period of length m . The goal is to propose a test with asymptotically small probability of false alarm and power 1 as the length of the historical period tends to infinity. The asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis and consistency under the alternative hypothesis is derived. A small simulation study illustrates the finite sample performance of the monitoring scheme.

Some Diagnostic Tools in Robust Econometrics

Jan Kalina (2011)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

Highly robust statistical and econometric methods have been developed not only as a diagnostic tool for standard methods, but they can be also used as self-standing methods for valid inference. Therefore the robust methods need to be equipped by their own diagnostic tools. This paper describes diagnostics for robust estimation of parameters in two econometric models derived from the linear regression. Both methods are special cases of the generalized method of moments estimator based on implicit...

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