Displaying 201 – 220 of 4962

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A little more about morphic Sturmian words

Isabelle Fagnot (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Among Sturmian words, some of them are morphic, i.e. fixed point of a non-identical morphism on words. Berstel and Séébold (1993) have shown that if a characteristic Sturmian word is morphic, then it can be extended by the left with one or two letters in such a way that it remains morphic and Sturmian. Yasutomi (1997) has proved that these were the sole possible additions and that, if we cut the first letters of such a word, it didn't remain morphic. In this paper, we give an elementary and combinatorial...

A local limit theorem with speed of convergence for euclidean algorithms and diophantine costs

Viviane Baladi, Aïcha Hachemi (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

For large N, we consider the ordinary continued fraction of x=p/q with 1≤p≤q≤N, or, equivalently, Euclid’s gcd algorithm for two integers 1≤p≤q≤N, putting the uniform distribution on the set of p and qs. We study the distribution of the total cost of execution of the algorithm for an additive cost function c on the set ℤ+* of possible digits, asymptotically for N→∞. If c is nonlattice and satisfies mild growth conditions, the local limit theorem was proved previously by the second named author....

A logic-based environment for developing natural language processing applications

Gérard Milhaud, Élisabeth Godbert (1998)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

We present a system providing a set of tools for developing natural language processing (NLP) applications such as natural language interfaces, communication aid systems, etc. This system is based on two principles: modularity of knowledge representation to ensure the portability of the system, and guided sentence composition to ensure transparency, i.e. to ensure that the produced sentences are well-formed at the lexical, syntactic, semantic and conceptual levels. We first describe the formalisms...

A Lower Bound For Reversible Automata

Pierre-Cyrille Héam (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

A reversible automaton is a finite automaton in which each letter induces a partial one-to-one map from the set of states into itself. We solve the following problem proposed by Pin. Given an alphabet A, does there exist a sequence of languages Kn on A which can be accepted by a reversible automaton, and such that the number of states of the minimal automaton of Kn is in O(n), while the minimal number of states of a reversible automaton accepting Kn is in O(ρn) for some ρ > 1? We give...

A Lyapunov-based design tool of impedance controllers for robot manipulators

Marco Mendoza, Isela Bonilla, Fernando Reyes, Emilio González-Galván (2012)


This paper presents a design tool of impedance controllers for robot manipulators, based on the formulation of Lyapunov functions. The proposed control approach addresses two challenges: the regulation of the interaction forces, ensured by the impedance error converging to zero, while preserving a suitable path tracking despite constraints imposed by the environment. The asymptotic stability of an equilibrium point of the system, composed by full nonlinear robot dynamics and the impedance control,...

A Markovian concurrency measure

Dominique Geniet, René Schott, Loÿs Thimonier (1996)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 4962