Displaying 321 – 340 of 384

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Trajectory tracking for a mobile robot with skid-slip compensation in the Vector-Field-Orientation control system

Maciej Michałek, Piotr Dutkiewicz, Marcin Kiełczewski, Dariusz Pazderski (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The article is devoted to a motion control problem for a differentially driven mobile robot in the task of trajectory tracking in the presence of skid-slip effects. The kinematic control concept presented in the paper is the Vector Field Orientation (VFO) feedback approach with a nonlinear feed-forward skid-slip influence compensation scheme. The VFO control law guarantees asymptotic convergence of the position tracking error to zero in spite of the disturbing influence of skid-slip phenomena. The...

Transcendence of numbers with an expansion in a subclass of complexity 2n + 1

Tomi Kärki (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We divide infinite sequences of subword complexity 2n+1 into four subclasses with respect to left and right special elements and examine the structure of the subclasses with the help of Rauzy graphs. Let k ≥ 2 be an integer. If the expansion in base k of a number is an Arnoux-Rauzy word, then it belongs to Subclass I and the number is known to be transcendental. We prove the transcendence of numbers with expansions in the subclasses II and III.

Transducing by observing length-reducing and painter rules

Norbert Hundeshagen, Peter Leupold (2014)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

The recently introduced model of transducing by observing is compared with traditional models for computing transductions on the one hand and the recently introduced restarting transducers on the other hand. Most noteworthy, transducing observer systems with length-reducing rules are almost equivalent to RRWW-transducers. With painter rules we obtain a larger class of relations that additionally includes nearly all rational relations.

Transductions algébriques

Michel Fliess (1970)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Transductions des langages de Chomsky

Maurice Nivat (1968)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

La feuille des applications dites K -transductions, et qu’il serait légitime d’appeler applications rationnelles, d’un monoïde libre dans un autre monoïde est étudiée de façon systématique. L’intérêt de ces applications vient de ce qu’elles transportent partie algébrique (ou C -langages) sur partie algébrique, partie rationnelle (ou K -langage) sur partie rationnelle. On étudie sous le nom de langage compilable les parties algébriques qu’une K -transduction univoque applique dans un ensemble de Dyck...

Transfert de Charge dans un Réseau de Processeurs Totalement Connectés

Maryse Béguin (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

In this paper, a model of the load transfer on a fully connected net is presented. Each processor can accept at most K tasks. A load difference of two tasks between two processors is a prohibited situation and when it may appear, an immediat and instantaneous transfer is decided. The performances of the system are evaluated by the following indices: the reject probability, the throughput, the mean response time, the stationary probability distribution for a processor to host i tasks. The aim of...

Transformation of dynamic aspects of UML models into LOTOS behaviour expressions

Bogumiła Hnatkowska, Zbigniew Huzar (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The lack of formal semantics for the UML creates many ambiguity problems, especially when real-time systems are specified. The paper proposes an approach to a formal definition of UML statecharts. Main features of the UML statecharts are described, and next, a transformation of the UML statecharts into LOTOS is defined.

Transformations of grammars and translation directed by L R parsing

Bořivoj Melichar, Nguyen van Bac (2002)


The class of L R translation grammars is introduced. This class is characterized by a possibility to implement a formal translation as an algorithm directed by L R parsing. To perform a translation, the conventional L R parser is extended by a facility to perform output operations within the parsing actions shift and reduce. The definitions of Kernel ( R ) - and L R -translation grammars are presented. The transformations shaking-down and postponing that enable to transform some translation grammars into Kernel...

Transition of Consistency and Satisfiability under Language Extensions

Julian J. Schlöder, Peter Koepke (2012)

Formalized Mathematics

This article is the first in a series of two Mizar articles constituting a formal proof of the Gödel Completeness theorem [17] for uncountably large languages. We follow the proof given in [18]. The present article contains the techniques required to expand formal languages. We prove that consistent or satisfiable theories retain these properties under changes to the language they are formulated in.

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 384