Displaying 821 – 840 of 4962

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Approximation algorithms for metric tree cover and generalized tour and tree covers

Viet Hung Nguyen (2007)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Given a weighted undirected graph G = (V,E), a tree (respectively tour) cover of an edge-weighted graph is a set of edges which forms a tree (resp. closed walk) and covers every other edge in the graph. The tree (resp. tour) cover problem is of finding a minimum weight tree (resp. tour) cover of G. Arkin, Halldórsson and Hassin (1993) give approximation algorithms with factors respectively 3.5 and 5.5. Later Könemann, Konjevod, Parekh, and Sinha (2003) study the linear programming relaxations...

Approximation Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Range Condition

D. Arun Kumar, C. Pandu Rangan (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We prove that the Christofides algorithm gives a 4 3 approximation ratio for the special case of traveling salesman problem (TSP) in which the maximum weight in the given graph is at most twice the minimum weight for the odd degree restricted graphs. A graph is odd degree restricted if the number of odd degree vertices in any minimum spanning tree of the given graph is less than 1 4 times the number of vertices in the graph. We prove that the Christofides algorithm is more efficient (in terms...

Approximations diophantiennes des nombres sturmiens

Martine Queffélec (2002)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Nous établissons pour tout nombre sturmien (de développement dyadique sturmien) des propriétés d'approximation diophantienne très précises, ne dépendant que de l'angle de la suite sturmienne, généralisant ainsi des travaux antérieurs de Ferenczi-Mauduit et Bullett-Sentenac.

Approximations of lattice-valued possibilistic measures

Ivan Kramosil (2005)


Lattice-valued possibilistic measures, conceived and developed in more detail by G. De Cooman in 1997 [2], enabled to apply the main ideas on which the real-valued possibilistic measures are founded also to the situations often occurring in the real world around, when the degrees of possibility, ascribed to various events charged by uncertainty, are comparable only quantitatively by the relations like “greater than” or “not smaller than”, including the particular cases when such degrees are not...

Arbology: Trees and pushdown automata

Bořivoj Melichar, Jan Janoušek, Tomas Flouri (2012)


We present a unified and systematic approach to basic principles of Arbology, a new algorithmic discipline focusing on algorithms on trees. Stringology, a highly developed algorithmic discipline in the area of string processing, can use finite automata as its basic model of computation. For various kinds of linear notations of ranked and unranked ordered trees it holds that subtrees of a tree in a linear notation are substrings of the tree in the linear notation. Arbology uses pushdown automata...

Currently displaying 821 – 840 of 4962