Displaying 81 – 100 of 164

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Inference in conditional probability logic

Niki Pfeifer, Gernot D. Kleiter (2006)


An important field of probability logic is the investigation of inference rules that propagate point probabilities or, more generally, interval probabilities from premises to conclusions. Conditional probability logic (CPL) interprets the common sense expressions of the form “if ..., then ...” by conditional probabilities and not by the probability of the material implication. An inference rule is probabilistically informative if the coherent probability interval of its conclusion is not necessarily...

Inference of fuzzy regular grammars from examples.

Inmaculada Fortes, Rafael Morales, José Luis Pérez de la Cruz, Francisco Triguero, M. A. Comino (1999)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Let us consider the following situation: An oracle provides us with a finite set of examples considered as words belonging to a regular language. This oracle is not available again. In this paper we study a new and general inference algorithm of fuzzy regular grammars based on this set of words. This algorithm is created by adapting a process discovery method. The main issues in the adaptation are the development of a fuzzy version, the assignation of membership degrees to each production in the...

Infinite periodic points of endomorphisms over special confluent rewriting systems

Julien Cassaigne, Pedro V. Silva (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider endomorphisms of a monoid defined by a special confluent rewriting system that admit a continuous extension to the completion given by reduced infinite words, and study from a dynamical viewpoint the nature of their infinite periodic points. For prefix-convergent endomorphisms and expanding endomorphisms, we determine the structure of the set of all infinite periodic points in terms of adherence values, bound the periods and show that all regular periodic points are attractors.

Infinite words containing squares at every position

James Currie, Narad Rampersad (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Richomme asked the following question: what is the infimum of the real numbers α > 2 such that there exists an infinite word that avoids α-powers but contains arbitrarily large squares beginning at every position? We resolve this question in the case of a binary alphabet by showing that the answer is α = 7/3.

Influence of modeling structure in probabilistic sequential decision problems

Florent Teichteil-Königsbuch, Patrick Fabiani (2006)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) are a classical framework for stochastic sequential decision problems, based on an enumerated state space representation. More compact and structured representations have been proposed: factorization techniques use state variables representations, while decomposition techniques are based on a partition of the state space into sub-regions and take advantage of the resulting structure of the state transition graph. We use a family of probabilistic exploration-like...

Information boundedness principle in fuzzy inference process

Peter Sarkoci, Michal Šabo (2002)


The information boundedness principle requires that the knowledge obtained as a result of an inference process should not have more information than that contained in the consequent of the rule. From this point of view relevancy transformation operators as a generalization of implications are investigated.

Information systems in categories of valued relations.

Vladimir B. Gisin (1994)

Mathware and Soft Computing

The paper presents a categorical version of the notion of information system due to D. Scott. The notion of information system is determined in the framework of ordered categories with involution and division and the category of information systems is constructed. The essential role in all definitions and constructions play correlations between inclusion relations and entailment relations.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 164