Inner and Outer j-Radii of Convex Bodies in Finite-Dimensional Normed Spaces.
Morphological Associative Memories have been proposed for some image denoising applications. They can be applied to other less restricted domains, like image retrieval and hyperspectral image unsupervised segmentation. In this paper we present these applications. In both cases the key idea is that Autoassociative Morphological Memories selective sensitivity to erosive and dilative noise can be applied to detect the morphological independence between patterns. Linear unmixing based on the sets of...
High-Energy Physics (HEP) has a long tradition in pioneering infrastructures for scholarly communication, and four leading laboratories are now rolling-out the next-generation digital library for the field: INSPIRE. This is an evolution of the extraordinarily successful, 40-years old SPIRES database. Based on the Invenio software, INSPIRE already provides seamless access to almost 1 million records, which will be expanded to cover multimedia, data, software, wikis. Services offered include citation...
In the shape from shading problem of computer vision one attempts to recover the three-dimensional shape of an object or landscape from the shading on a single image. Under the assumptions that the surface is dusty, distant, and illuminated only from above, the problem reduces to that of solving the eikonal equation |Du|=f on a domain in . Despite various existence and uniqueness theorems for smooth solutions, we show that this problem is unstable, which is catastrophic for general numerical algorithms. ...
In this paper, we study two kinds of combinatorial objects, generalized integer partitions and tilings of -gons (hexagons, octagons, decagons, etc.). We show that the sets of partitions, ordered with a simple dynamics, have the distributive lattice structure. Likewise, we show that the set of tilings of a -gon is the disjoint union of distributive lattices which we describe. We also discuss the special case of linear integer partitions, for which other dynamical models exist.
In this paper, we study two kinds of combinatorial objects, generalized integer partitions and tilings of 2D-gons (hexagons, octagons, decagons, etc.). We show that the sets of partitions, ordered with a simple dynamics, have the distributive lattice structure. Likewise, we show that the set of tilings of a 2D-gon is the disjoint union of distributive lattices which we describe. We also discuss the special case of linear integer partitions, for which other dynamical models exist.
We consider numeration systems with base β and − β, for quadratic Pisot numbers β and focus on comparing the combinatorial structure of the sets Zβ and Z− β of numbers with integer expansion in base β, resp. − β. Our main result is the comparison of languages of infinite words uβ and u− β coding the ordering of distances between consecutive β- and (− β)-integers. It turns out that for a class of roots β of x2 − mx − m, the languages coincide, while for other quadratic Pisot numbers the language...
An exploratory study is performed to investigate the use of a time-dependent discrete adjoint methodology for design optimization of a high-lift wing configuration augmented with an active flow control system. The location and blowing parameters associated with a series of jet actuation orifices are used as design variables. In addition, a geometric parameterization scheme is developed to provide a compact set of design variables describing the wing...
Segmentation is the art of partitioning an image into different regions where each one has some degree of uniformity in its feature space. A number of methods have been proposed and blind segmentation is one of them. It uses intrinsic image features, such as pixel intensity, color components and texture. However, some virtues, like poor contrast, noise and occlusion, can weaken the procedure. To overcome them, prior knowledge of the object of interest has to be incorporated in a top-down procedure...
We present an abstract equational framework for the specification of systems having both observational and computational features. Our approach is based on a clear separation between the two categories of features, and uses algebra, respectively coalgebra to formalise them. This yields a coalgebraically-defined notion of observational indistinguishability, as well as an algebraically-defined notion of reachability under computations. The relationship between the computations yielding new system...
We present an abstract equational framework for the specification of systems having both observational and computational features. Our approach is based on a clear separation between the two categories of features, and uses algebra, respectively coalgebra to formalise them. This yields a coalgebraically-defined notion of observational indistinguishability, as well as an algebraically-defined notion of reachability under computations. The relationship between the computations yielding new system states...
On considère le problème de déterminer les solutions d’une équation différentielle ordinaire, dite de Risch sur une courbe algébrique. En fait une généralisation assez évidente de la méthode de Risch suffit mais elle nous permet de généraliser son algorithme d’intégration à toute extension élémentairement transcendante d’une extension algébrique des fonctions rationnelles.