Displaying 141 – 160 of 924

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A generalization of the graph Laplacian with application to a distributed consensus algorithm

Guisheng Zhai (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In order to describe the interconnection among agents with multi-dimensional states, we generalize the notion of a graph Laplacian by extending the adjacency weights (or weighted interconnection coefficients) from scalars to matrices. More precisely, we use positive definite matrices to denote full multi-dimensional interconnections, while using nonnegative definite matrices to denote partial multi-dimensional interconnections. We prove that the generalized graph Laplacian inherits the spectral...

A generalization of the self-dual induction to every interval exchange transformation

Sébastien Ferenczi (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We generalize to all interval exchanges the induction algorithm defined by Ferenczi and Zamboni for a particular class. Each interval exchange corresponds to an infinite path in a graph whose vertices are certain unions of trees we call castle forests. We use it to describe those words obtained by coding trajectories and give an explicit representation of the system by Rokhlin towers. As an application, we build the first known example of a weakly mixing interval exchange outside the hyperelliptic...

A generalization of traces

Walter Vogler (1991)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

A generalized minimal realization theory of machines in a category.

Antonio Bahamonde (1983)


This paper presents a generalized minimal realization theory of machines in a category which contains the Kleiski case. The minimal realization is the cheapest realization for a given cost functor. The final reachable realization of Arbib and Manes ([5]) and the minimal state approach for nondeterministic machines are included here.

A Generalized Model of PAC Learning and its Applicability

Thomas Brodag, Steffen Herbold, Stephan Waack (2014)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We combine a new data model, where the random classification is subjected to rather weak restrictions which in turn are based on the Mammen−Tsybakov [E. Mammen and A.B. Tsybakov, Ann. Statis. 27 (1999) 1808–1829; A.B. Tsybakov, Ann. Statis. 32 (2004) 135–166.] small margin conditions, and the statistical query (SQ) model due to Kearns [M.J. Kearns, J. ACM 45 (1998) 983–1006] to what we refer to as PAC + SQ model. We generalize the class conditional constant noise (CCCN) model introduced by Decatur...

A generator of morphisms for infinite words

Pascal Ochem (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We present an algorithm which produces, in some cases, infinite words avoiding both large fractional repetitions and a given set of finite words. We use this method to show that all the ternary patterns whose avoidability index was left open in Cassaigne's thesis are 2-avoidable. We also prove that there exist exponentially many 7 4 + -free ternary words and 7 5 + -free 4-ary words. Finally we give small morphisms for binary words containing only the squares 2, 12 and (01)² and for binary words avoiding...

A genetic algorithm for the multistage control of a fuzzy system in a fuzzy environment.

Janusz Kacprzyk (1997)

Mathware and Soft Computing

We discuss a prescriptive approach to multistage optimal fuzzy control of a fuzzy system, given by a fuzzy state transition equation. Fuzzy constraints and fuzzy goals at consecutive control stages are given, and their confluence, Bellman and Zadeh's fuzzy decision, is an explicit performance function to be optimized. First, we briefly survey previous basic solution methods of dynamic programming (Baldwin and Pilsworth, 1982) and branch-and-bound (Kacprzyk, 1979), which are plagued by low numerical...

A geometrical method in combinatorial complexity

Jaroslav Morávek (1981)

Aplikace matematiky

A lower bound for the number of comparisons is obtained, required by a computational problem of classification of an arbitrarily chosen point of the Euclidean space with respect to a given finite family of polyhedral (non-convex, in general) sets, covering the space. This lower bound depends, roughly speaking, on the minimum number of convex parts, into which one can decompose these polyhedral sets. The lower bound is then applied to the knapsack problem.

A graph approach to computing nondeterminacy in substitutional dynamical systems

Toke M. Carlsen, Søren Eilers (2007)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We present an algorithm which for any aperiodic and primitive substitution outputs a finite representation of each special word in the shift space associated to that substitution, and determines when such representations are equivalent under orbit and shift tail equivalence. The algorithm has been implemented and applied in the study of certain new invariants for flow equivalence of substitutional dynamical systems.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 924