Displaying 161 – 180 of 222

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Privacy homomorphisms for statistical confidentiality.

Josep Domingo i Ferrer (1996)


When publishing contingency tables which contain official statistics, a need to preserve statistical confidentiality arises. Statistical disclosure of individual units must be prevented. There is a wide choice of techniques to achieve this anonymization: cell supression, cell perturbation, etc. In this paper, we tackle the problem of using anonymized data to compute exact statistics; our approach is based on privacy homomorphisms, which are encryption transformations such that the decryption of...

Probabilistic construction of small strongly sum-free sets via large Sidon sets

Andreas Schoen, Tomasz Srivastav, Anand Baltz (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We give simple randomized algorithms leading to new upper bounds for combinatorial problems of Choi and Erdős: For an arbitrary additive group G let P n ( G ) denote the set of all subsets S of G with n elements having the property that 0 is not in S+S. Call a subset A of G admissible with respect to a set S from P n ( G ) if the sum of each pair of distinct elements of A lies outside S. Suppose first that S is a subset of the positive integers in the interval [2n,4n). Denote by f(S) the number of elements in a...

Probabilistic evaluation of fuzzy quantified sentences: independence profile.

Félix Díaz-Hermida, Purificación Cariñena, Alberto Bugarín, Senén Barro (2001)

Mathware and Soft Computing

This paper describes a classification for fuzzy quantifiers that makes it possible to include a significant number of cases of interest (exception, comparatives). All quantifiers therein described can be evaluated by following a fuzzy model with probabilistic interpretation, based on the Theory of Generalized Quantifiers.

Probabilistic interpretation and random walk on spheres algorithms for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation in molecular dynamics

Mireille Bossy, Nicolas Champagnat, Sylvain Maire, Denis Talay (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Motivated by the development of efficient Monte Carlo methods for PDE models in molecular dynamics, we establish a new probabilistic interpretation of a family of divergence form operators with discontinuous coefficients at the interface of two open subsets of d . This family of operators includes the case of the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation used to compute the electrostatic free energy of a molecule. More precisely, we explicitly construct a Markov process whose infinitesimal generator...

Probabilistic models for pattern statistics

Massimiliano Goldwurm, Roberto Radicioni (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

In this work we study some probabilistic models for the random generation of words over a given alphabet used in the literature in connection with pattern statistics. Our goal is to compare models based on Markovian processes (where the occurrence of a symbol in a given position only depends on a finite number of previous occurrences) and the stochastic models that can generate a word of given length from a regular language under uniform distribution. We present some results that show the differences...

Probabilistic operational semantics for the lambda calculus

Ugo Dal Lago, Margherita Zorzi (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Probabilistic operational semantics for a nondeterministic extension of pure λ-calculus is studied. In this semantics, a term evaluates to a (finite or infinite) distribution of values. Small-step and big-step semantics, inductively and coinductively defined, are given. Moreover, small-step and big-step semantics are shown to produce identical outcomes, both in call-by-value and in call-by-name. Plotkin’s CPS translation is extended to accommodate the choice operator and shown correct with respect...

Probabilistic operational semantics for the lambda calculus

Ugo Dal Lago, Margherita Zorzi (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Probabilistic operational semantics for a nondeterministic extension of pure λ-calculus is studied. In this semantics, a term evaluates to a (finite or infinite) distribution of values. Small-step and big-step semantics, inductively and coinductively defined, are given. Moreover, small-step and big-step semantics are shown to produce identical outcomes, both in call-by-value and in call-by-name. Plotkin’s CPS translation is extended to accommodate the choice operator and shown correct with respect...

Probabilistic operational semantics for the lambda calculus

Ugo Dal Lago, Margherita Zorzi (2012)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Probabilistic operational semantics for a nondeterministic extension of pure λ-calculus is studied. In this semantics, a term evaluates to a (finite or infinite) distribution of values. Small-step and big-step semantics, inductively and coinductively defined, are given. Moreover, small-step and big-step semantics are shown to produce identical outcomes, both in call-by-value and in call-by-name. Plotkin’s CPS translation is extended to accommodate the choice operator and shown correct with respect...

Probabilistic propositional calculus with doubled nonstandard semantics

Ivan Kramosil (1999)


The classical propositional language is evaluated in such a way that truthvalues are subsets of the set of all positive integers. Such an evaluation is projected in two different ways into the unit interval of real numbers so that two real-valued evaluations are obtained. The set of tautologies is proved to be identical, in all the three cases, with the set of classical propositional tautologies, but the induced evaluations meet some natural properties of probability measures with respect to nonstandard...

Probability distribution of transformed random variables with application to nonlinear features extraction

Lubomír Soukup (1998)


A method for estimation of probability distribution of transformed random variables is presented. The proposed approach admits an approximation of the transformation of the random variables. The approximate probability density function (pdf) is corrected to obtain a resulting pdf which incorporates a prior knowledge of approximation errors. The corrected pdf is not contaminated by any uncontrollable approximation. The method is applied to pattern recognition. It is shown that class conditional pdf...

Probability timed automata for investigating communication processes

Henryk Piech, Grzegorz Grodzki (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Exploitation characteristics behaves as a decreasing valors factor (DVF) which can be connected with degradation processes. It is a structure that consists of independent attributes which represent situations generally connected with a given exploitation factor. The multi-attribute structure contains attributes directly and indirectly referring to the main factor. Attribute states, by definition, can only maintain or decrease their values. Such situations are met in security, reliability, exploitation,...

Problems remaining NP-complete for sparse or dense graphs

Ingo Schiermeyer (1995)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For each fixed pair α,c > 0 let INDEPENDENT SET ( m c n α ) and INDEPENDENT SET ( m ( ) - c n α ) be the problem INDEPENDENT SET restricted to graphs on n vertices with m c n α or m ( ) - c n α edges, respectively. Analogously, HAMILTONIAN CIRCUIT ( m n + c n α ) and HAMILTONIAN PATH ( m n + c n α ) are the problems HAMILTONIAN CIRCUIT and HAMILTONIAN PATH restricted to graphs with m n + c n α edges. For each ϵ > 0 let HAMILTONIAN CIRCUIT (m ≥ (1 - ϵ)(ⁿ₂)) and HAMILTONIAN PATH (m ≥ (1 - ϵ)(ⁿ₂)) be the problems HAMILTONIAN CIRCUIT and HAMILTONIAN PATH restricted...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 222