Displaying 161 – 180 of 182

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Reverse mathematics of some topics from algorithmic graph theory

Peter Clote, Jeffry Hirst (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

This paper analyzes the proof-theoretic strength of an infinite version of several theorems from algorithmic graph theory. In particular, theorems on reachability matrices, shortest path matrices, topological sorting, and minimal spanning trees are considered.

Rewriting on cyclic structures: Equivalence between the operational and the categorical description

Andrea Corradini, Fabio Gadducci (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We present a categorical formulation of the rewriting of possibly cyclic term graphs, based on a variation of algebraic 2-theories. We show that this presentation is equivalent to the well-accepted operational definition proposed by Barendregt et al. – but for the case of circular redexes , for which we propose (and justify formally) a different treatment. The categorical framework allows us to model in a concise way also automatic garbage collection and rules for sharing/unsharing and...

Right division in Moufang loops

Maria de Lourdes M. Giuliani, Kenneth Walter Johnson (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

If ( G , · ) is a group, and the operation ( * ) is defined by x * y = x · y - 1 then by direct verification ( G , * ) is a quasigroup which satisfies the identity ( x * y ) * ( z * y ) = x * z . Conversely, if one starts with a quasigroup satisfying the latter identity the group ( G , · ) can be constructed, so that in effect ( G , · ) is determined by its right division operation. Here the analogous situation is examined for a Moufang loop. Subtleties arise which are not present in the group case since there is a choice of defining identities and the identities produced by...

Robust optimality of Gaussian noise stability

Elchanan Mossel, Joe Neeman (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove that under the Gaussian measure, half-spaces are uniquely the most noise stable sets. We also prove a quantitative version of uniqueness, showing that a set which is almost optimally noise stable must be close to a half-space. This extends a theorem of Borell, who proved the same result but without uniqueness, and it also answers a question of Ledoux, who asked whether it was possible to prove Borell’s theorem using a direct semigroup argument. Our quantitative uniqueness result has various...

Root clustering of words

Gerhard Lischke (2014)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Six kinds of both of primitivity and periodicity of words, introduced by Ito and Lischke [M. Ito and G. Lischke, Math. Log. Quart. 53 (2007) 91–106; Corrigendum in Math. Log. Quart. 53 (2007) 642–643], give rise to defining six kinds of roots of a nonempty word. For 1 ≤ k ≤ 6, a k-root word is a word which has exactly k different roots, and a k-cluster is a set of k-root words u where the roots of u fulfil a given prefix relationship. We show that out of the 89 different clusters that can be considered...

Rough membership functions: a tool for reasoning with uncertainty

Z. Pawlak, A. Skowron (1993)

Banach Center Publications

A variety of numerical approaches for reasoning with uncertainty have been investigated in the literature. We propose rough membership functions, rm-functions for short, as a basis for such reasoning. These functions have values in the interval [0,1] and are computable on the basis of the observable information about the objects rather than on the objects themselves. We investigate properties of the rm-functions. In particular, we show that our approach is intensional with respect to the class of...

Rough modeling - a bottom-up approach to model construction

Terje Loken, Jan Komorowski (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Traditional data mining methods based on rough set theory focus on extracting models which are good at classifying unseen obj-ects. If one wants to uncover new knowledge from the data, the model must have a high descriptive quality-it must describe the data set in a clear and concise manner, without sacrificing classification performance. Rough modeling, introduced by Kowalczyk (1998), is an approach which aims at providing models with good predictive emphand descriptive qualities, in addition to...

Rough relation properties

Maria Nicoletti, Joaquim Uchoa, Margarete Baptistini (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Rough Set Theory (RST) is a mathematical formalism for representing uncertainty that can be considered an extension of the classical set theory. It has been used in many different research areas, including those related to inductive machine learning and reduction of knowledge in knowledge-based systems. One important concept related to RST is that of a rough relation. This paper rewrites some properties of rough relations found in the literature, proving their validity.

Rough set-based dimensionality reduction for supervised and unsupervised learning

Qiang Shen, Alexios Chouchoulas (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The curse of dimensionality is a damning factor for numerous potentially powerful machine learning techniques. Widely approved and otherwise elegant methodologies used for a number of different tasks ranging from classification to function approximation exhibit relatively high computational complexity with respect to dimensionality. This limits severely the applicability of such techniques to real world problems. Rough set theory is a formal methodology that can be employed to reduce the dimensionality...

Rough sets methods in feature reduction and classification

Roman Świniarski (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper presents an application of rough sets and statistical methods to feature reduction and pattern recognition. The presented description of rough sets theory emphasizes the role of rough sets reducts in feature selection and data reduction in pattern recognition. The overview of methods of feature selection emphasizes feature selection criteria, including rough set-based methods. The paper also contains a description of the algorithm for feature selection and reduction based on the rough...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 182