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Bounds for f -divergences under likelihood ratio constraints

Sever Silvestru Dragomir (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper we establish an upper and a lower bound for the f -divergence of two discrete random variables under likelihood ratio constraints in terms of the Kullback-Leibler distance. Some particular cases for Hellinger and triangular discimination, χ 2 -distance and Rényi’s divergences, etc. are also considered.

Bounds on guessing numbers and secret sharing combining information theory methods

Emirhan Gürpınar (2024)


This paper is on developing some computer-assisted proof methods involving non-classical inequalities for Shannon entropy. Two areas of the applications of information inequalities are studied: Secret sharing schemes and hat guessing games. In the former a random secret value is transformed into shares distributed among several participants in such a way that only the qualified groups of participants can recover the secret value. In the latter each participant is assigned a hat colour and they try...

Bounds on the information divergence for hypergeometric distributions

Peter Harremoës, František Matúš (2020)


The hypergeometric distributions have many important applications, but they have not had sufficient attention in information theory. Hypergeometric distributions can be approximated by binomial distributions or Poisson distributions. In this paper we present upper and lower bounds on information divergence. These bounds are important for statistical testing and for a better understanding of the notion of exchangeability.

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