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n -T-quasigroup codes with one check symbol and their error detection capabilities

Gary L. Mullen, Viktor Alekseevich Shcherbakov (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

It is well known that there exist some types of the most frequent errors made by human operators during transmission of data which it is possible to detect using a code with one check symbol. We prove that there does not exist an n -T-code that can detect all single, adjacent transposition, jump transposition, twin, jump twin and phonetic errors over an alphabet that contains 0 and 1. Systems that detect all single, adjacent transposition, jump transposition, twin, jump twin errors and almost all...

Negaciones en la teoría de conjuntos difusos.

Francesc Esteva (1981)


All the negations of PL(X) satisfying the extension principle and the generalized extension principle are fully described through the negation of L. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for n to be an ortho or u-complementation and for n to satisfy the DeMorgan laws.

Network tomography.

Berenstein, Carlos A., Gavilánez, Franklin (2007)

Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas

Neural network segmentation of images from stained cucurbits leaves with colour symptoms of biotic and abiotic stresses

Jarosław Gocławski, Joanna Sekulska-Nalewajko, Elżbieta Kuźniak (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The increased production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in plant leaf tissues is a hallmark of a plant's reaction to various environmental stresses. This paper describes an automatic segmentation method for scanned images of cucurbits leaves stained to visualise ROS accumulation sites featured by specific colour hues and intensities. The leaves placed separately in the scanner view field on a colour background are extracted by thresholding in the RGB colour space, then cleaned from petioles to...

Neural network-based fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control for nonlinear systems with output measurement noise

Yanjun Shen, Chen Ma, Chenhao Zhao, Zebin Wu (2024)


In this article, the problems of fault diagnosis (FD) and fault-tolerant control (FTC) are investigated for a class of nonlinear systems with output measurement noise. Due to the influence of measurement noise in the output sensor, the output observation error cannot be accurately obtained, which causes obstacles to the accuracy of FD. To address this issue, an output filter and disturbance estimator are constructed to decrease the negative effects of measurement noise and observer gain disturbances,...

New Binary [ 70 , 35 , 12 ] Self-Dual and Binary [ 72 , 36 , 12 ] Self-Dual Doubly-Even Codes

Dontcheva, Radinka (2001)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

∗ This work was supported in part by the Bulgarian NSF under Grant MM-901/99In this paper we prove that up to equivalence there exist 158 binary [70, 35, 12] self-dual and 119 binary [72, 36, 12] self-dual doubly-even codes all of which have an automorphism of order 23 and we present their construction. All these codes are new.

New Bounds for the Maximum Size of Ternary Constant Weight Codes

Bogdanova, Galina (2000)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

This work was partially supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund under Grant I–618/96.Optimal ternary constant-weight lexicogarphic codes have been constructed. New bounds for the maximum size of ternary constant-weight codes are obtained. Tables of bounds on A3 (n, d, w) are given for d = 3, 4, 6.

New self-checking Booth multipliers

Marc Hunger, Daniel Marienfeld (2008)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This work presents the first self-checking Booth-3 multiplier and a new self-checking Booth-2 multiplier using parity prediction. We propose a method which combines error-detection of Booth-3 (or Booth-2) decoder cells and parity prediction. Additionally, code disjointness is ensured by reusing logic for partial product generation. Parity prediction is applied to a carry-save-adder with the standard sign-bit extension. In this adder almost all cells have odd fanouts and faults are detected by the...

New Upper Bounds for Some Spherical Codes

Boyvalenkov, Peter, Kazakov, Peter (1995)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

The maximal cardinality of a code W on the unit sphere in n dimensions with (x, y) ≤ s whenever x, y ∈ W, x 6= y, is denoted by A(n, s). We use two methods for obtaining new upper bounds on A(n, s) for some values of n and s. We find new linear programming bounds by suitable polynomials of degrees which are higher than the degrees of the previously known good polynomials due to Levenshtein [11, 12]. Also we investigate the possibilities for attaining the Levenshtein bounds [11, 12]. In such cases...

Nonassociative algebras: some applications.

Santos González, Consuelo Martínez (2003)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Nonassociative algebras can be applied, either directly or using their particular methods, to many other branches of Mathematics and other Sciences. Here emphasis will be given to two concrete applications of nonassociative algebras. In the first one, an application to group theory in the line of the Restricted Burnside Problem will be considered. The second one opens a door to some applications of non-associative algebras to Error correcting Codes and Cryptography.

Non-Lebesgue multiresolution analyses

Lawrence Baggett (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Classical notions of wavelets and multiresolution analyses deal with the Hilbert space L²(ℝ) and the standard translation and dilation operators. Key in the study of these subjects is the low-pass filter, which is a periodic function h ∈ L²([0,1)) that satisfies the classical quadrature mirror filter equation |h(x)|²+|h(x+1/2)|² = 2. This equation is satisfied almost everywhere with respect to Lebesgue measure on the torus. Generalized multiresolution analyses and wavelets exist in abstract Hilbert...

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