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On a complete set of operations for factorizing codes

Clelia De Felice (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

It is known that the class of factorizing codes, i.e., codes satisfying the factorization conjecture formulated by Schützenberger, is closed under two operations: the classical composition of codes and substitution of codes. A natural question which arises is whether a finite set 𝒪 of operations exists such that each factorizing code can be obtained by using the operations in 𝒪 and starting with prefix or suffix codes. 𝒪 is named here a complete set of operations (for factorizing codes). We show...

On a complete set of operations for factorizing codes

Clelia De Felice (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

It is known that the class of factorizing codes, i.e., codes satisfying the factorization conjecture formulated by Schützenberger, is closed under two operations: the classical composition of codes and substitution of codes. A natural question which arises is whether a finite set O of operations exists such that each factorizing code can be obtained by using the operations in O and starting with prefix or suffix codes. O is named here a complete set of operations (for factorizing codes). We show...

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