Inégalité de Harnack elliptique sur les graphes

T. Delmotte

Colloquium Mathematicae (1997)

  • Volume: 72, Issue: 1, page 19-37
  • ISSN: 0010-1354

How to cite


Delmotte, T.. "Inégalité de Harnack elliptique sur les graphes." Colloquium Mathematicae 72.1 (1997): 19-37. <>.

author = {Delmotte, T.},
journal = {Colloquium Mathematicae},
keywords = {Harnack inequality; Moser's iteration; strongly local Dirichlet forms},
language = {fre},
number = {1},
pages = {19-37},
title = {Inégalité de Harnack elliptique sur les graphes},
url = {},
volume = {72},
year = {1997},

AU - Delmotte, T.
TI - Inégalité de Harnack elliptique sur les graphes
JO - Colloquium Mathematicae
PY - 1997
VL - 72
IS - 1
SP - 19
EP - 37
LA - fre
KW - Harnack inequality; Moser's iteration; strongly local Dirichlet forms
UR -
ER -


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Citations in EuDML Documents

  1. Pascal Auscher, Thierry Coulhon, Gaussian lower bounds for random walks from elliptic regularity
  2. Antoine Gloria, Numerical approximation of effective coefficients in stochastic homogenization of discrete elliptic equations
  3. Sébastien Blachère, Harmonic functions on annuli of graphs
  4. Daniel Boivin, Tail estimates for homogenization theorems in random media
  5. Antoine Gloria, Numerical approximation of effective coefficients in stochastic homogenization of discrete elliptic equations
  6. Thierry Delmotte, Harnack inequalities on graphs

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