Asymptotic winding of the geodesic flow on modular surfaces and continuous fractions

Y. Guivarc'h; Y. Le Jan

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure (1993)

  • Volume: 26, Issue: 1, page 23-50
  • ISSN: 0012-9593

How to cite


Guivarc'h, Y., and Le Jan, Y.. "Asymptotic winding of the geodesic flow on modular surfaces and continuous fractions." Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure 26.1 (1993): 23-50. <>.

author = {Guivarc'h, Y., Le Jan, Y.},
journal = {Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure},
keywords = {degenerate probability laws; windings of a two-dimensional Brownian motion; modular surfaces; compact Riemann surface; geodesic flow; Cauchy laws},
language = {eng},
number = {1},
pages = {23-50},
publisher = {Elsevier},
title = {Asymptotic winding of the geodesic flow on modular surfaces and continuous fractions},
url = {},
volume = {26},
year = {1993},

AU - Guivarc'h, Y.
AU - Le Jan, Y.
TI - Asymptotic winding of the geodesic flow on modular surfaces and continuous fractions
JO - Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure
PY - 1993
PB - Elsevier
VL - 26
IS - 1
SP - 23
EP - 50
LA - eng
KW - degenerate probability laws; windings of a two-dimensional Brownian motion; modular surfaces; compact Riemann surface; geodesic flow; Cauchy laws
UR -
ER -


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Citations in EuDML Documents

  1. Y. Guivarch, Y. Le Jan, Note rectificative : “Asymptotic winding of the geodesic flow on modular surfaces and continuous fractions”
  2. Anne Broise, Fractions continues multidimensionnelles et lois stables
  3. Françoise Dal'bo, Marc Peigné, Groupes du ping-pong et géodésiques fermées en courbure -1
  4. Nathanaël Enriquez, Jacques Franchi, Masse des pointes, temps de retour et enroulements en courbure négative
  5. Viviane Baladi, Aïcha Hachemi, A local limit theorem with speed of convergence for euclidean algorithms and diophantine costs
  6. Sébastien Blachère, Peter Haïssinsky, Pierre Mathieu, Harmonic measures versus quasiconformal measures for hyperbolic groups
  7. Martine Babillot, Marc Peigné, Homologie des géodésiques fermées sur des variétés hyperboliques avec bouts cuspidaux
  8. Marc Peigné, Iterated Function Systems and Spectral Decomposition of the Associated Markov Operator
  9. Martine Babillot, Marc Peigné, Asymptotic laws for geodesic homology on hyperbolic manifolds with cusps
  10. Loïc Hervé, Françoise Pène, The Nagaev-Guivarc’h method via the Keller-Liverani theorem

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