Let , be ultradistributions in and let and where is a sequence in which converges to the Dirac-delta function . Then the neutrix product is defined on the space of ultradistributions as the neutrix limit of the sequence provided the limit exist in the sense that
for all in . We also prove that the neutrix convolution product exist in , if and only if the neutrix product exist in and the exchange formula
is then satisfied.
In this study, we introduce a new class of function called geodesic semi E-b-vex functions and generalized geodesic semi E-b-vex functions and discuss some of their properties.
The commutative neutrix convolution product of the functions and is evaluated for and all . Further commutative neutrix convolution products are then deduced.
The commutative neutrix convolution product of the locally summable functions and is evaluated. Further similar commutative neutrix convolution products are evaluated and deduced.
The non-commutative neutrix product of the distributions and is proved to exist for and is evaluated for . The existence of the non-commutative neutrix product of the distributions and is then deduced for and evaluated for .
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