The paper studies the existence of fixed points for some nonlinear (ws)-compact, weakly condensing and strictly quasibounded operators defined on an unbounded closed convex subset of a Banach space. Applications of the newly developed fixed point theorems are also discussed for proving the existence of positive eigenvalues and surjectivity of quasibounded operators in similar situations. The main condition in our results is formulated in terms of axiomatic measures of weak noncompactness.
Motivated by a mathematical model of an age structured proliferating cell population, we state some new variants of Leray-Schauder type fixed point theorems for (ws)-compact operators. Further, we apply our results to establish some new existence and locality principles for nonlinear boundary value problem arising in the theory of growing cell population in L 1-setting. Besides, a topological structure of the set of solutions is provided.
In this paper we examine the set of weakly continuous solutions for a Volterra integral equation in Henstock-Kurzweil-Pettis integrability settings. Our result extends those obtained in several kinds of integrability settings. Besides, we prove some new fixed point theorems for function spaces relative to the weak topology which are basic in our considerations and comprise the theory of differential and integral equations in Banach spaces.
In this paper we prove a collection of new fixed point theorems for operators of the form on an unbounded closed convex subset of a Hausdorff topological vector space . We also introduce the concept of demi--compact operator and -semi-closed operator at the origin. Moreover, a series of new fixed point theorems of Krasnosel’skii type is proved for the sum of two operators, where is -sequentially continuous and -compact while is -sequentially continuous (and -condensing, -nonexpansive...
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