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Disconjugacy and disfocality criteria for second order singular half-linear differential equations

Ondřej DošlýAlexander Lomtatidze — 1999

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We establish Vallée Poussin type disconjugacy and disfocality criteria for the half-linear second order differential equation u ' ' = p ( t ) | u | α | u ' | 1 - α s g n u + g ( t ) u ' , where α ∈ (0,1] and the functions p , g L l o c ( a , b ) are allowed to have singularities at the end points t = a, t = b of the interval under consideration.

On a two-point boundary value problem for second order singular equations

Alexander LomtatidzeP. Torres — 2003

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The problem on the existence of a positive in the interval ] a , b [ solution of the boundary value problem u ' ' = f ( t , u ) + g ( t , u ) u ' ; u ( a + ) = 0 , u ( b - ) = 0 is considered, where the functions f and g ] a , b [ × ] 0 , + [ satisfy the local Carathéodory conditions. The possibility for the functions f and g to have singularities in the first argument (for t = a and t = b ) and in the phase variable (for u = 0 ) is not excluded. Sufficient and, in some cases, necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of that problem are established.

On the Cauchy problem for linear hyperbolic functional-differential equations

Alexander LomtatidzeJiří Šremr — 2012

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study the question of the existence, uniqueness, and continuous dependence on parameters of the Carathéodory solutions to the Cauchy problem for linear partial functional-differential equations of hyperbolic type. A theorem on the Fredholm alternative is also proved. The results obtained are new even in the case of equations without argument deviations, because we do not suppose absolute continuity of the function the Cauchy problem is prescribed on, which is rather usual assumption in the existing...

A note on the Cauchy problem for first order linear differential equations with a deviating argument

Robert HaklAlexander Lomtatidze — 2002

Archivum Mathematicum

Conditions for the existence and uniqueness of a solution of the Cauchy problem u ' ( t ) = p ( t ) u ( τ ( t ) ) + q ( t ) , u ( a ) = c , established in [2], are formulated more precisely and refined for the special case, where the function τ maps the interval ] a , b [ into some subinterval [ τ 0 , τ 1 ] [ a , b ] , which can be degenerated to a point.

On Cauchy problem for first order nonlinear functional differential equations of non-Volterra’s type

E. BravyiRobert HaklAlexander Lomtatidze — 2002

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

On the segment I = [ a , b ] consider the problem u ' ( t ) = f ( u ) ( t ) , u ( a ) = c , where f C ( I , ) L ( I , ) is a continuous, in general nonlinear operator satisfying Carathéodory condition, and c . The effective sufficient conditions guaranteeing the solvability and unique solvability of the considered problem are established. Examples verifying the optimality of obtained results are given, as well.

On an antiperiodic type boundary value problem for first order linear functional differential equations

Robert HaklAlexander LomtatidzeJiří Šremr — 2002

Archivum Mathematicum

Nonimprovable, in a certain sense, sufficient conditions for the unique solvability of the boundary value problem u ' ( t ) = ( u ) ( t ) + q ( t ) , u ( a ) + λ u ( b ) = c are established, where : C ( [ a , b ] ; R ) L ( [ a , b ] ; R ) is a linear bounded operator, q L ( [ a , b ] ; R ) , λ R + , and c R . The question on the dimension of the solution space of the homogeneous problem u ' ( t ) = ( u ) ( t ) , u ( a ) + λ u ( b ) = 0 is discussed as well.

New optimal conditions for unique solvability of the Cauchy problem for first order linear functional differential equations

Robert HaklAlexander LomtatidzeBedřich Půža — 2002

Mathematica Bohemica

The nonimprovable sufficient conditions for the unique solvability of the problem u ' ( t ) = ( u ) ( t ) + q ( t ) , u ( a ) = c , where C ( I ; ) L ( I ; ) is a linear bounded operator, q L ( I ; ) , c , are established which are different from the previous results. More precisely, they are interesting especially in the case where the operator is not of Volterra’s type with respect to the point a .

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