In this paper, we are concerned with the following problem: given a set of smooth vector fields on , we ask whether there exists a homogeneous Carnot group such that is a sub-Laplacian on . We find necessary and sufficient conditions on the given vector fields in order to give a positive answer to the question. Moreover, we explicitly construct the group law i as above, providing direct proofs. Our main tool is a suitable version of the Campbell-Hausdorff formula. Finally, we exhibit several...
Let be a sub-laplacian on a stratified Lie group . In this paper we study the Dirichlet problem for with -boundary data, on domains which are contractible with respect to the natural dilations of . One of the main difficulties we face is the presence of non-regular boundary points for the usual Dirichlet problem for . A potential theory approach is followed. The main results are applied to study a suitable notion of Hardy spaces.
We prove that every homogeneous Carnot group can be lifted to a free homogeneous Carnot group. Though following the ideas of Rothschild and Stein, we give simple and self-contained arguments, providing a constructive proof, as shown in the examples.
In this paper we furnish mean value characterizations for subharmonic functions related to linear second order partial differential operators with nonnegative characteristic form, possessing a well-behaved fundamental solution . These characterizations are based on suitable average operators on the level sets of . Asymptotic characterizations are also considered, extending classical results of Blaschke, Privaloff, Radó, Beckenbach, Reade and Saks. We analyze as well the notion of subharmonic function...
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