Osservazioni sulla varietà di su cui giace la curva canonica di una curva -gonale
In this paper some questions about the variety of on which lies the canonical curve of a k-gonal curve, are studied.
In this paper some questions about the variety of on which lies the canonical curve of a k-gonal curve, are studied.
Let be an algebraic projective smooth and trigonal curve of genus . In this paper we define, in a way equivalent to that followed by A. Maroni in [1], an integer , called the species of , which is a birational invariant having the property that and mod(2). In section 1 we prove that for every and every , as before, there are trigonal curves of genus and species . In section 2 we define the space of moduli of trigonal curves of genus and species . We note that is irreducible...
We consider the representation of a Siegel half-plane associated with the polarized torus of dim 2m obtained by the periods of the holomorphic 2m-forms. In particular, for m=1 we obtain the geometric significance of the isomorphism between a Siegel half-plane of dimension three and the domain of type IV of the same dimension.
In this note we show that every smooth “general enough” hypersurface of bidegree with in is an ordinary non rational conic-bundle. Moreover we construct an example, for , which is unirational.
Let be an algebraic projective smooth and trigonal curve of genus . In this paper we define, in a way equivalent to that followed by A. Maroni in [1], an integer , called the species of , which is a birational invariant having the property that and mod(2). In section 1 we prove that for every and every , as before, there are trigonal curves of genus and species . In section 2 we define the space of moduli of trigonal curves of genus and species . We note that is irreducible...
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