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Currently displaying 1 – 13 of 13

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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

Analysis of a two-unit standby redundant system with three states of units

Antonín Lešanovský — 1982

Aplikace matematiky

A cold-standby redundant system with two identical units and one repair facility is considered. Units can be in three states> good (I), degraded (II), and failed (III). We suppose that only the following state-transitions of a unit are possible: I I I , I I I I I , I I I , I I I I . The repair of a unit of the type I I I can be interpreted as a preventive maintenance. Its realization depends on the states of both units. Several characteristics of the system (probabilities, distribution functions or their Laplace-Stieltjes transforms...

Characterization of the first operating period of a two-unit standby redundant system with three states of units

Antonín Lešanovský — 1982

Aplikace matematiky

A two-unit cold-standby redundant system with one repair facility is considered. Each unit can be in three states: good (I), degraded (II), and failed (III). We suppose that only the following state-transitions af a unit are possible: I I I , I I I I I , I I I , I I I I . The paper is devoted to the problems which arise only provided that the units of the redundant system can be in more than two states (i.e. in operating and failed states). The following characteristics dealing with a single operating period of the system are studied...

Some examples of non-monotonicities in a two-unit redundant system

Antonín Lešanovský — 1984

Aplikace matematiky

A cold-standby redundant sytem with two identical units and one repair facility is considered. Units can be in three states: good ( I ) , degraded ( I I ) , and failed ( I I I ) . It is supposed that only the following state-transitions of a unit are possible: I I I , I I I I I , I I I , I I I I . The paper deals with the comparison of some initial situations of the system and with a stochastical improvement of units (stochastical increase of time of work in state I and/or stochastical decrease of times of repairs of the types I I I and/or I I I I ) and...

A note on the optimal replacement policy

Antonín LešanovskýPetr Pěnička — 1983

Aplikace matematiky

A system with a single activated unit, which can be in a finite number of states, is considered. Inspections of the system are carried out at discrete time instants. It is possible to replace it by a new one at these moments. The user of the system, by setting down conditions of replacements, wants to maximize his gain, which does not include the rest value of units. On a numerical example it is shown that the frequency of replacements of the unit need not be the greater the longer is the period...

On optimal replacement policy

Raimi Ajibola KasumuAntonín Lešanovský — 1983

Aplikace matematiky

A system with a single activated unit which can be in k + 1 states is considered. Inspections of the system are carried out at discrete time instants. The process of deterioration of the unit is supposed to be Markovian. The unit by its operation brings an income which is monotonically dependent on its state. A replacement of the unit is associated with certain costs. The paper gives an effective algorithm for finding the replacement strategy maximizing the average income of the system per unit time....

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