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Exact l 1 penalty function for nonsmooth multiobjective interval-valued problems

Julie KhatriAshish Kumar Prasad — 2024


Our objective in this article is to explore the idea of an unconstrained problem using the exact l 1 penalty function for the nonsmooth multiobjective interval-valued problem (MIVP) having inequality and equality constraints. First of all, we figure out the KKT-type optimality conditions for the problem (MIVP). Next, we establish the equivalence between the set of weak LU-efficient solutions to the problem (MIVP) and the penalized problem (MIVP ρ ) with the exact l 1 penalty function. The utility of...

Duality for a fractional variational formulation using η -approximated method

Sony KhatriAshish Kumar Prasad — 2023


The present article explores the way η -approximated method is applied to substantiate duality results for the fractional variational problems under invexity. η -approximated dual pair is engineered and a careful study of the original dual pair has been done to establish the duality results for original problems. Moreover, an appropriate example is constructed based on which we can validate the established dual statements. The paper includes several recent results as special cases.

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