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A contour view on uninorm properties

Koen C. MaesBernard De Baets — 2006


Any given increasing [ 0 , 1 ] 2 [ 0 , 1 ] function is completely determined by its contour lines. In this paper we show how each individual uninorm property can be translated into a property of contour lines. In particular, we describe commutativity in terms of orthosymmetry and we link associativity to the portation law and the exchange principle. Contrapositivity and rotation invariance are used to characterize uninorms that have a continuous contour line.

Weighted sums of aggregation operators.

Tomasa CalvoBernard De BaetsRadko Mesiar — 1999

Mathware and Soft Computing

The aim of this work is to investigate when a weighted sum, or in other words, a linear combination, of two or more aggregation operators leads to a new aggregation operator. For weights belonging to the real unit interval, we obtain a convex combination and the answer is known to be always positive. However, we will show that also other weights can be used, depending upon the aggregation operators involved. A first set of suitable weights is obtained by a general method based on the variation of...

Bell-type inequalities for parametric families of triangular norms

Saskia JanssensBernard De BaetsHans De Meyer — 2004


In recent work we have shown that the reformulation of the classical Bell inequalities into the context of fuzzy probability calculus leads to related inequalities on the commutative conjunctor used for modelling pointwise fuzzy set intersection. Also, an important role has been attributed to commutative quasi-copulas. In this paper, we consider these new Bell-type inequalities for continuous t-norms. Our contribution is twofold: first, we prove that ordinal sums preserve these Bell-type inequalities;...

Transitive decomposition of fuzzy preference relations: the case of nilpotent minimum

Susana DíazSusana MontesBernard De Baets — 2004


Transitivity is a fundamental notion in preference modelling. In this work we study this property in the framework of additive fuzzy preference structures. In particular, we depart from a large preference relation that is transitive w.r.t. the nilpotent minimum t-norm and decompose it into an indifference and strict preference relation by means of generators based on t-norms, i. e. using a Frank t-norm as indifference generator. We identify the strongest type of transitivity these indifference and...

On the dominance relation between ordinal sums of conjunctors

Susanne SamingerBernard De BaetsHans De Meyer — 2006


This contribution deals with the dominance relation on the class of conjunctors, containing as particular cases the subclasses of quasi-copulas, copulas and t-norms. The main results pertain to the summand-wise nature of the dominance relation, when applied to ordinal sum conjunctors, and to the relationship between the idempotent elements of two conjunctors involved in a dominance relationship. The results are illustrated on some well-known parametric families of t-norms and copulas.

Asymmetric semilinear copulas

Bernard De BaetsHans De MeyerRadko Mesiar — 2007


We complement the recently introduced classes of lower and upper semilinear copulas by two new classes, called vertical and horizontal semilinear copulas, and characterize the corresponding class of diagonals. The new copulas are in essence asymmetric, with maximum asymmetry given by 1 / 16 . The only symmetric members turn out to be also lower and upper semilinear copulas, namely convex sums of Π and M .

Orbital semilinear copulas

Tarad JwaidBernard de BaetsHans de Meyer — 2009


We introduce four families of semilinear copulas (i.e. copulas that are linear in at least one coordinate of any point of the unit square) of which the diagonal and opposite diagonal sections are given functions. For each of these families, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions under which given diagonal and opposite diagonal functions can be the diagonal and opposite diagonal sections of a semilinear copula belonging to that family. We focus particular attention on the family of orbital...

Cycle-free cuts of mutual rank probability relations

Karel De LoofBernard De BaetsHans De Meyer — 2014


It is well known that the linear extension majority (LEM) relation of a poset of size n 9 can contain cycles. In this paper we are interested in obtaining minimum cutting levels α m such that the crisp relation obtained from the mutual rank probability relation by setting to 0 its elements smaller than or equal to α m , and to 1 its other elements, is free from cycles of length m . In a first part, theoretical upper bounds for α m are derived using known transitivity properties of the mutual rank probability...

Compositions of ternary relations

In this paper, we introduce six basic types of composition of ternary relations, four of which are associative. These compositions are based on two types of composition of a ternary relation with a binary relation recently introduced by Zedam et al. We study the properties of these compositions, in particular the link with the usual composition of binary relations through the use of the operations of projection and cylindrical extension.

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