In this expository paper we consider various approaches to multisummability. We apply it to nonlinear ODE's and give a somewhat modified proof of multisummability of formal solutions of ODE's with levels 1 and 2 via Écalle's method involving convolution equations.
We study germs of singular holomorphic vector fields at the origin of of which the linear part is -resonant and which have a polynomial normal form. The formal normalizing diffeomorphism is usually divergent at the origin but there exists holomorphic diffeomorphisms in some “sectorial domains” which transform these vector fields into their normal form. In this article, we study the interplay between the small divisors phenomenon and the Gevrey character of the sectorial normalizing diffeomorphisms....
In this paper a proof is given of a theorem of J. Écalle that formal power series solutions of nonlinear meromorphic differential equations are multisummable.
This paper concerns difference equations where takes values in and is meromorphic in in a neighborhood of in and holomorphic in a neighborhood of 0 in . It is shown that under certain conditions on the linear part of , formal power series solutions in are multisummable. Moreover, it is shown that formal solutions may always be lifted to holomorphic solutions in upper and lower halfplanes, but in general these solutions are not uniquely determined by the formal solutions.
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