Positive solutions of elliptic equations in two-dimensional exterior domains.
We describe some recent results on a specific nonlinear hydrodynamical problem where the geometric approach gives insight into a variety of aspects.
The existence of global solutions and the phenomenon of blow-up of a solution in finite time for a recently derived shallow water equation are studied. We prove that the only way a classical solution could blow-up is as a breaking wave for which we determine the exact blow-up rate and, in some cases, the blow-up set. Using the correspondence between the shallow water equation and the geodesic flow on the manifold of diffeomorphisms of the line endowed with a weak Riemannian structure, we give sufficient...
A generalized Gronwall-like inequality is established and applied in obtaining a right saturated solution for a class of differential equations and in estimating the solution of an evolution equation for the so called hidden variables.
An extension of a result of R. Conti is given from which some integro-differential inequalities of the Gronwall-Bellman-Bihari type and a criterion for the continuation of solutions of a system of ordinary differential equations are deduced.
In this paper we use the Schauder fixed point theorem and methods of integral inequalities in order to prove a result on the existence, uniqueness and parametric dependence on the coefficients of the solution processes in McShane stochastic integral equations.
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