Application of the averaging method for the solution of boundary problems for ordinary differential and integro-differential equations
AbstractWe establish the sharpness of the embedding of certain Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces in spaces of Lipschitz type. In particular, this proves the sharpness of the Brézis-Wainger result concerning the “almost” Lipschitz continuity of elements of the Sobolev space , where 1 < p < ∞. Upper and lower estimates are obtained for the entropy numbers of related embeddings of Besov spaces on bounded domains. CONTENTSIntroduction...........................................................51....
CONTENTSIntroduction....................................................................................... 5§ 1. Preliminaries............................................................................ 8§ 2. Constructions........................................................................... 10§ 3. Orders and modes.................................................................. 13§ 4. Conic primes............................................................................ 19§ 5. Intersections...
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Let X be a linear space. Consider a linear equation(*) P(D)x = y, where y ∈ E ⊂ X,with a right invertible operator D ∈ L(X) and, in general, operator coefficients. The main purpose of this paper is to characterize those subspaces E ⊂ X for which all solutions of (*) belong to E (provided that they exist). This leads, even in the classical case of ordinary differential equations with scalar coefficients, to a new class of -functions, which properly contains the classes of analytic functions of a...
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