We define notion of a quaternionic and para-quaternionic CR structure on a (4n+3)-dimensional manifold M as a triple (ω1,ω2,ω3) of 1-forms such that the corresponding 2-forms satisfy some algebraic relations. We associate with such a structure an Einstein metric on M and establish relations between quaternionic CR structures, contact pseudo-metric 3-structures and pseudo-Sasakian 3-structures. Homogeneous examples of (para)-quaternionic CR manifolds are given and a reduction construction of non...
This Note will be followed by a Note II in these Rendiconti and successively by a wider and more detailed memoir to appear next. Here six quaternionic-like structures on a manifold (almost quaternionic, hypercomplex, unimodular quaternionic, unimodular hypercomplex, Hermitian quaternionic, Hermitian hypercomplex) are defined and interrelations between them are studied in the framework of general theory of G-structures. Special connections are associated to these structures. 1-integrability and...
We consider different types of quaternionic-like structures. The interrelations between automorphism groups of the subordinated structures and of some admissible connections are studied. A characterization of automorphisms of a quaternionic structure as some kind of projective transformations is given. General results on harmonicity of an automorphism of some -structure are obtained and applied to the case of an almost Hermitian quaternionic structure. Different noteworthy transformations groups...
We study the geometry of multidimensional scalar order PDEs (i.e. PDEs with independent variables), viewed as hypersurfaces in the Lagrangian Grassmann bundle over a -dimensional contact manifold . We develop the theory of characteristics of in terms of contact geometry and of the geometry of Lagrangian Grassmannian and study their relationship with intermediate integrals of . After specializing such results to general Monge-Ampère...
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