L'aiguille de Buffon sur la sphère.
A pullback incremental attraction, a nonautonomous version of incremental stability, is introduced for nonautonomous systems that may have unbounded limiting solutions. Its characterisation by a Lyapunov function is indicated.
Dürer's engraving Melencolia I famously includes a perspective view of a solid polyhedral block of which the visible portion is an 8-circuit bounding a pentagon-triple+triangle patch. The polyhedron is usually taken to be a cube truncated on antipodal corners, but an infinity of others are compatible with the visible patch. Construction of all cubic polyhedra compatible with the visible portion (i.e., Dürer Polyhedra) is discussed, explicit graphs and symmetries are listed for small cases ( ≤ 18...
In this paper we obtain bounds on h(E) where E is a semistable bundle of rank 3 over a smooth irreducible projective curve X of genus g ≥ 2 defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0. These bounds are expressed in terms of the degrees of stability s(E), s(E). We show also that in some cases the bounds are best possible. These results extend recent work of J. Cilleruelo and I. Sols for bundles of rank 2.
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