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On a problem by Schweizer and Sklar

Fabrizio Durante — 2012


We give a representation of the class of all n -dimensional copulas such that, for a fixed m , 2 m < n , all their m -dimensional margins are equal to the independence copula. Such an investigation originated from an open problem posed by Schweizer and Sklar.


Fabrizio DuranteCarlo Sempi — 2005


We define the notion of semicopula, a concept that has already appeared in the statistical literature and study the properties of semicopulas and the connexion of this notion with those of copula, quasi-copula, t -norm.

Building bridges between Mathematics, Insurance and Finance

Fabrizio DuranteGiovanni PuccettiMatthias Scherer — 2015

Dependence Modeling

Paul Embrechts is Professor of Mathematics at the ETH Zurich specializing in Actuarial Mathematics and Quantitative Risk Management. Previous academic positions include the Universities of Leuven, Limburg and London (Imperial College). Dr. Embrechts has held visiting professorships at several universities, including the Scuola Normale in Pisa (Cattedra Galileiana), the London School of Economics (Centennial Professor of Finance), the University of Vienna, Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne), theNationalUniversity...

A note on biconic copulas

Fabrizio DuranteJuan Fernández-Sánchez — 2011


We describe a class of bivariate copulas having a fixed diagonal section. The obtained class contains both the Fréchet upper and lower bounds and it allows to describe non-trivial tail dependence coefficients along both the diagonals of the unit square.

Componentwise concave copulas and their asymmetry

Fabrizio DurantePier Luigi Papini — 2009


The class of componentwise concave copulas is considered, with particular emphasis on its closure under some constructions of copulas (e.g., ordinal sum) and its relations with other classes of copulas characterized by some notions of concavity and/or convexity. Then, a sharp upper bound is given for the L -measure of non-exchangeability for copulas belonging to this class.

Baire category results for quasi–copulas

The aim of this manuscript is to determine the relative size of several functions (copulas, quasi– copulas) that are commonly used in stochastic modeling. It is shown that the class of all quasi–copulas that are (locally) associated to a doubly stochastic signed measure is a set of first category in the class of all quasi– copulas. Moreover, it is proved that copulas are nowhere dense in the class of quasi-copulas. The results are obtained via a checkerboard approximation of quasi–copulas.

Copulas with given values on a horizontal and a vertical section

In this paper we study the set of copulas for which both a horizontal section and a vertical section have been given. We give a general construction for copulas of this type and we provide the lower and upper copulas with these sections. Symmetric copulas with given horizontal section are also discussed, as well as copulas defined on a grid of the unit square. Several examples are presented.

Remarks on Two Product-like Constructions for Copulas

We investigate two constructions that, starting with two bivariate copulas, give rise to a new bivariate and trivariate copula, respectively. In particular, these constructions are generalizations of the * -product and the -product for copulas introduced by Darsow, Nguyen and Olsen in 1992. Some properties of these constructions are studied, especially their relationships with ordinal sums and shuffles of Min.

Semicopulas: characterizations and applicability

We characterize some bivariate semicopulas and, among them, the semicopulas satisfying a Lipschitz condition. In particular, the characterization of harmonic semicopulas allows us to introduce a new concept of depedence between two random variables. The notion of multivariate semicopula is given and two applications in the theory of fuzzy measures and stochastic processes are given.

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