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A robust entropy−satisfying finite volume scheme for the isentropic Baer−Nunziato model

Frédéric CoquelJean-Marc HérardKhaled SalehNicolas Seguin — 2014

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We construct an approximate Riemann solver for the isentropic Baer−Nunziato two-phase flow model, that is able to cope with arbitrarily small values of the statistical phase fractions. The solver relies on a relaxation approximation of the model for which the Riemann problem is exactly solved for subsonic relative speeds. In an original manner, the Riemann solutions to the linearly degenerate relaxation system are allowed to dissipate the total energy in the vanishing phase regimes, thereby enforcing...

Interface model coupling via prescribed local flux balance

Annalisa AmbrosoChristophe ChalonsFrédéric CoquelThomas Galié — 2014

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

This paper deals with the non-conservative coupling of two one-dimensional barotropic Euler systems at an interface at = 0. The closure pressure laws differ in the domains < 0 and > 0, and a Dirac source term concentrated at = 0 models singular pressure losses. We propose two numerical methods. The first one relies on ghost state reconstructions at the interface while the second is based on a suitable relaxation framework. Both methods satisfy a well-balanced property for stationary...

Relaxation and numerical approximation of a two-fluid two-pressure diphasic model

Annalisa AmbrosoChristophe ChalonsFrédéric CoquelThomas Galié — 2009

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This paper is concerned with the numerical approximation of the solutions of a two-fluid two-pressure model used in the modelling of two-phase flows. We present a relaxation strategy for easily dealing with both the nonlinearities associated with the pressure laws and the nonconservative terms that are inherently present in the set of convective equations and that couple the two phases. In particular, the proposed approximate Riemann solver is given by explicit formulas, preserves the natural...

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