On the continuity of midpoint hull convex set-valued functions. (Summary).
In this paper we consider evolution inclusions of subdifferential type. First, we prove a convergence result and a continuous dependence proposition for abstract Cauchy problem of the form u' ∈ -∂⁻f(u) + G(u), u(0) = x₀, where ∂⁻f is the Fréchet subdifferential of a function f defined on an open subset Ω of a real separable Hilbert space H, taking its values in IR ∪ {+∞}, and G is a multifunction from C([0,T],Ω) into the nonempty subsets of L²([0,T],H). We obtain analogous results for the multivalued...
We study eigenvalue problems with discontinuous terms. In particular we consider two problems: a nonlinear problem and a semilinear problem for elliptic equations. In order to study the existence of solutions we replace these two problems with their multivalued approximations and, for the first problem, we estabilish an existence result while for the second problem we prove the existence of multiple nontrivial solutions. The approach used is variational.
We present a stability theorem of Ulam-Hyers type for K-convex set-valued functions, and prove that a set-valued function is K-convex if and only if it is K-midconvex and K-quasiconvex.
In this paper we examine a quasilinear periodic problem driven by the one- dimensional -Laplacian and with discontinuous forcing term . By filling in the gaps at the discontinuity points of we pass to a multivalued periodic problem. For this second order nonlinear periodic differential inclusion, using variational arguments, techniques from the theory of nonlinear operators of monotone type and the method of upper and lower solutions, we prove the existence of at least two non trivial solutions,...
We consider nonlinear systems with a priori feedback. We establish the existence of admissible pairs and then we show that the Lagrange optimal control problem admits an optimal pair. As application we work out in detail two examples of optimal control problems for nonlinear parabolic partial differential equations.
In this paper we examine a nonstationary discrete time, infinite horizon growth model with uncertainty. Under very general hypotheses on the data of the model, we establish the existence of an optimal program and we show that the values of the finite horizon problems tend to that of the infinite horizon as the end of the planning period approaches infinity. Finally we derive a transversality condition for optimality which does not involve dual variables (prices).
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