Questa è una rassegna di alcuni risultati recenti sui moltiplicatori spettrali dell'operatore di Ornstein-Uhlenbeck, un laplaciano naturale sullo spazio euclideo munito della misura gaussiana. I risultati sono inquadrati nell'ambito della teoria generale dei moltiplicatori spettrali per laplaciani generalizzati.
We study the Riesz means for the eigenfunction expansions of a class of hypoelliptic differential operators on the Heisenberg group. The operators we consider are homogeneous with respect to dilations and invariant under the action of the unitary group. We obtain convergence results in norm, at Lebesgue points and almost everywhere. We also prove localization results.
In a previous paper the authors developed an H¹-BMO theory for unbounded metric measure spaces (M,ρ,μ) of infinite measure that are locally doubling and satisfy two geometric properties, called “approximate midpoint” property and “isoperimetric” property. In this paper we develop a similar theory for spaces of finite measure. We prove that all the results that hold in the infinite measure case have their counterparts in the finite measure case. Finally, we show that the theory applies to a class...
We consider a complete connected noncompact Riemannian manifold M with bounded geometry and spectral gap. We prove that the imaginary powers of the Laplacian and the Riesz transform are bounded from the Hardy space X¹(M), introduced in previous work of the authors, to L¹(M).
Let be the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator which is self-adjoint with respect to the Gauss measure on We prove a sharp estimate of the operator norm of the imaginary powers of on
Then we use this estimate to prove that if is in and is a bounded holomorphic function in the sector and satisfies a Hörmander-like condition of (nonintegral) order greater than one on the boundary, then the operator is bounded on This improves earlier results of the authors with J. García-Cuerva...
We prove that on Iwasawa AN groups coming from arbitrary semisimple Lie groups there is a Laplacian with a nonholomorphic functional calculus, not only for but also for , where 1 < p < ∞. This yields a spectral multiplier theorem analogous to the ones known for sublaplacians on stratified groups.
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