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Sign functions of imaginary quadratic fields and applications

Hassan Oukhaba — 2005

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We propose a definition of sign of imaginary quadratic fields. We give an example of such functions, and use it to define new invariants that are roots of the classical Ramachandra invariants. Also we introduce signed ordinary distributions and compute their signed cohomology by using Anderson's theory of double complex.

Unités elliptiques, indice et Z p -extensions

Hassan Oukhaba — 2009

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Cet article rend compte de résultats sur les unités elliptiques prouvés récemment par l’auteur concernant l’indice des groupes engendrés par ces unités et son comportement dans les Z p -extensions.

Étude d'un idéal particulier, d'indice fini dans le carré de l'idéal d'augmentation, associé à un caractère de Dirichlet d'un groupe fini

Hassan OukhabaGilles Robert — 1991

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We describe here two sets of generators of an ideal Δ ( ψ ) = M ( ψ ) , of finite index inside the square I 2 of the augmentation ideal I of [ G ] , associated to the Dirichlet character ψ of the finite group G . That peculiar ideal first appeared in questions related to the computation of class number formulas for abelian non ramified extensions of 𝒜 -fields cf. [2] and [3], satisfying certain special conditions which are outlined in the introduction of [1]. A rough idea of these formulas is given in §§2 and 6.

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