Concerning anti-closed subsets in semigroups
Torsion-free covers are considered for objects in the category Objects in the category are just maps in -Mod. For we find necessary and sufficient conditions for the coGalois group associated to a torsion-free cover, to be trivial for an object in Our results generalize those of E. Enochs and J. Rado for abelian groups.
A new class of -primary abelian groups that are Hausdorff in the -adic topology and that generalize direct sums of cyclic groups are studied. We call this new class of groups almost coproducts of cyclic groups. These groups are defined in terms of a modified axiom 3 system, and it is observed that such groups appear naturally. For example, is almost a coproduct of finite cyclic groups whenever is a Hausdorff -primary group and is the group of normalized units of the modular group algebra...
It is demonstrated that an isotype subgroup of a simply presented abelian group can be simply presented without being a separable subgroup. In particular, the conjecture based on a variety of special cases that Warfield groups are absolutely separable is disproved.
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