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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

Integrability for very weak solutions to boundary value problems of p -harmonic equation

Hongya GaoShuang LiangYi Cui — 2016

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The paper deals with very weak solutions u θ + W 0 1 , r ( Ω ) , max { 1 , p - 1 } < r < p < n , to boundary value problems of the p -harmonic equation - div ( | u ( x ) | p - 2 u ( x ) ) = 0 , x Ω , u ( x ) = θ ( x ) , x Ω . ( * ) We show that, under the assumption θ W 1 , q ( Ω ) , q > r , any very weak solution u to the boundary value problem ( * ) is integrable with u θ + L weak q * ( Ω ) for q < n , θ + L weak τ ( Ω ) for q = n and any τ < , θ + L ( Ω ) for q > n , provided that r is sufficiently close to p .

Local boundedness for minimizers of variational integrals under anisotropic nonstandard growth conditions

Zesheng FengAiping ZhangHongya Gao — 2024

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper deals with local boundedness for minimizers of vectorial integrals under anisotropic growth conditions by using De Giorgi’s iterative method. We consider integral functionals with the first part of the integrand satisfying anisotropic growth conditions including a convex nondecreasing function g , and with the second part, a convex lower order term or a polyconvex lower order term. Local boundedness of minimizers is derived.

Regularizing effect of the interplay between coefficients in some noncoercive integral functionals

Aiping ZhangZesheng FengHongya Gao — 2024

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We are interested in regularizing effect of the interplay between the coefficient of zero order term and the datum in some noncoercive integral functionals of the type 𝒥 ( v ) = Ω j ( x , v , v ) d x + Ω a ( x ) | v | 2 d x - Ω f v d x , v W 0 1 , 2 ( Ω ) , where Ω N , j is a Carathéodory function such that ξ j ( x , s , ξ ) is convex, and there exist constants 0 τ < 1 and M > 0 such that | ξ | 2 ( 1 + | s | ) τ j ( x , s , ξ ) M | ξ | 2 for almost all x Ω , all s and all ξ N . We show that, even if 0 < a ( x ) and f ( x ) only belong to L 1 ( Ω ) , the interplay | f ( x ) | 2 Q a ( x ) implies the existence of a minimizer u W 0 1 , 2 ( Ω ) which belongs to L ( Ω ) .

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