Local and global Carleman estimates play a central role in the study of some partial differential equations regarding questions such as unique continuation and controllability. We survey and prove such estimates in the case of elliptic and parabolic operators by means of semi-classical microlocal techniques. Optimality results for these estimates and some of their consequences are presented. We point out the connexion of these optimality results to the local phase-space geometry after conjugation...
We consider a second-order selfadjoint elliptic operator with an anisotropic diffusion matrix having a jump across a smooth hypersurface. We prove the existence of a weight-function such that a Carleman estimate holds true. We moreover prove that the conditions imposed on the weight function are necessary.
Local and global Carleman estimates play a central role in the study of some partial differential equations regarding questions such as unique continuation and controllability. We survey and prove such estimates in the case of elliptic and parabolic operators by means of semi-classical microlocal techniques. Optimality results for these estimates and some of their consequences are presented. We point out the connexion of these optimality results to the local phase-space geometry after conjugation...
We consider a linear parabolic transmission problem across an interface of codimension one in a bounded domain or on a Riemannian manifold, where the transmission conditions involve an additional parabolic operator on the interface. This system is an idealization of a three-layer model in which the central layer has a small thickness . We prove a Carleman estimate in the neighborhood of the interface for an associated elliptic operator by means of partial estimates in several microlocal regions....
We consider a linear parabolic transmission problem across an interface of codimension one in a bounded domain or on a Riemannian manifold, where the transmission conditions involve an additional parabolic operator on the interface. This system is an idealization of a three-layer model in which the central layer has a small thickness . We prove a Carleman estimate in the neighborhood of the interface for an associated elliptic operator by means of partial estimates in several microlocal regions....
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