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A la recherche du spectre perdu: An invitation to nonlinear spectral theory

Appell, Jürgen — 2003

Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications

We give a survey on spectra for various classes of nonlinear operators, with a particular emphasis on a comparison of their advantages and drawbacks. Here the most useful spectra are the asymptotic spectrum by M. Furi, M. Martelli and A. Vignoli (1978), the global spectrum by W. Feng (1997), and the local spectrum (called “phantom”) by P. Santucci and M. Väth (2000). In the last part we discuss these spectra for homogeneous operators (of any degree), and derive a discreteness result and a nonlinear...

Some remarks on the asymptotic behaviour of the iterates of a bounded linear operator

Anatoliĭ AntonevichJürgen AppellPetr Zabreĭko — 1994

Studia Mathematica

We discuss the problem of characterizing the possible asymptotic behaviour of the norm of the iterates of a bounded linear operator between two Banach spaces. In particular, given an increasing sequence of positive numbers tending to infinity, we construct Banach spaces such that the norm of the iterates of a suitable multiplication operator between these spaces assumes (or exceeds) the values of this sequence.

On the -characteristic of fractional powers of linear operators

Jürgen AppellMarilda A. SimõesPetr P. Zabrejko — 1994

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We describe the geometric structure of the -characteristic of fractional powers of bounded or compact linear operators over domains with arbitrary measure. The description builds essentially on the Riesz-Thorin and Marcinkiewicz-Stein-Weiss- Ovchinnikov interpolation theorems, as well as on the Krasnosel’skij-Krejn factorization theorem.

Multi-valued superpositions

CONTENTSIntroduction.......................................................................................................... 51. Multifunctions and selections............................................................................... 7 1. Multifunctions and selections.................................................................. 7 2. Continuous multifunctions and selections........................................... 9 3. Measurable multifunctions and selections...............................................

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