Distributions on Kronecker sets, strong forms of uniqueness, and closed ideals of A+.
The fundamental semigroup of the heat equation for the real line has an analytic extension to the right-hand open half plane which satisfies for Re. Using the Ahlfors-Heins theorem for bounded analytic functions on a half-plane we show that the Wiener tauberian theorem for follows from the above inequality.
In this work we discuss several ways to extend to the context of Banach spaces the notion of Hilbert-Schmidt operator: p-summing operators, γ-summing or γ-radonifying operators, weakly* 1-nuclear operators and classes of operators defined via factorization properties. We introduce the class PS₂(E;F) of pre-Hilbert-Schmidt operators as the class of all operators u: E → F such that w ∘ u ∘ v is Hilbert-Schmidt for every bounded operator v: H₁ → E and every bounded operator w: F → H₂, where H₁ and...
The theory of quasimultipliers in Banach algebras is developed in order to provide a mechanism for defining the boundary values of analytic semigroups on a sector in the complex plane. Then, some methods are presented for deriving lower estimates for operators defined in terms of quasinilpotent semigroups using techniques from the theory of complex analysis.
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