On the structure of G-spaces
We solve several problems in the theory of polynomials in Banach spaces. (i) There exist Banach spaces without the Dunford-Pettis property and without upper p-estimates in which all multilinear forms are weakly sequentially continuous: some Lorentz sequence spaces, their natural preduals and, most notably, the dual of Schreier's space. (ii) There exist Banach spaces X without the Dunford-Pettis property such that all multilinear forms on X and X* are weakly sequentially continuous; this gives an...
What follows is the opening conference of the late night seminar at the III Conference on Banach Spaces held at Jarandilla de la Vera, Cáceres. Maybe the reader should not take everything what follows too seriously: after all, it was designed for a friendly seminar, late in the night, talking about things around a table shared by whisky, preprints and almonds. Maybe the reader should not completely discard it. Be as it may, it seems to me by now that everything arrives in the nick of time. ...
In this note we review some results about: 1. Representation of Absolutely (∞,p) summing operators (∏∞,p) in C(K,E) 2. Dunford-Pettis properties.
A sequence (x) in a Banach space X is said to be weakly-p-summable, 1 ≤ p < ∞, when for each x* ∈ X*, (x*x) ∈ l. We shall say that a sequence (x) is weakly-p-convergent if for some x ∈ X, (x - x) is weakly-p-summable.
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