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A priori error estimates for Lagrange interpolation on triangles

Kenta KobayashiTakuya Tsuchiya — 2015

Applications of Mathematics

We present the error analysis of Lagrange interpolation on triangles. A new a priori error estimate is derived in which the bound is expressed in terms of the diameter and circumradius of a triangle. No geometric conditions on triangles are imposed in order to get this type of error estimates. To derive the new error estimate, we make use of the two key observations. The first is that squeezing a right isosceles triangle perpendicularly does not reduce the approximation property of Lagrange interpolation....

Extending Babuška-Aziz's theorem to higher-order Lagrange interpolation

Kenta KobayashiTakuya Tsuchiya — 2016

Applications of Mathematics

We consider the error analysis of Lagrange interpolation on triangles and tetrahedrons. For Lagrange interpolation of order one, Babuška and Aziz showed that squeezing a right isosceles triangle perpendicularly does not deteriorate the optimal approximation order. We extend their technique and result to higher-order Lagrange interpolation on both triangles and tetrahedrons. To this end, we make use of difference quotients of functions with two or three variables. Then, the error estimates on squeezed...

On the interpolation constants over triangular elements

Kobayashi, Kenta — 2015

Application of Mathematics 2015

We propose a simple method to obtain sharp upper bounds for the interpolation error constants over the given triangular elements. These constants are important for analysis of interpolation error and especially for the error analysis in the Finite Element Method. In our method, interpolation constants are bounded by the product of the solution of corresponding finite dimensional eigenvalue problems and constant which is slightly larger than one. Guaranteed upper bounds for these constants are obtained...

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