Analytic Crossed Products and Outer Conjugacy Classes of Automorphisms of von Neumann Algebras. II.
In this paper, we consider a generalized triangle inequality of the following type: where (X, ‖·‖) is a normed space, (µ1, ..., µn) ∈ ℝn and p > 0. By using ψ-direct sums of Banach spaces, we present another approach to characterizations of the above inequality which is given by [Dadipour F., Moslehian M.S., Rassias J.M., Takahasi S.-E., Nonlinear Anal., 2012, 75(2), 735–741].
Recently, Jiménez-Melado et al. [Jiménez-Melado A., Llorens-Fuster E., Mazcuñán-Navarro E.M., The Dunkl-Williams constant, convexity, smoothness and normal structure, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2008, 342(1), 298–310] defined the Dunkl-Williams constant DW(X) of a normed linear space X. In this paper we present some characterizations of this constant. As an application, we calculate DW(ℓ2-ℓ∞) in the Day-James space ℓ2-ℓ∞.
In [Mineno K., Nakamura Y., Ohwada T., Characterization of the intermediate values of the triangle inequality, Math. Inequal. Appl., 2012, 15(4), 1019–1035] there was established a norm inequality which characterizes all intermediate values of the triangle inequality, i.e. C n that satisfy 0 ≤ C n ≤ Σj=1n ‖x j‖ − ‖Σj=1n x j‖, x 1,...,x n ∈ X. Here we study when this norm inequality attains equality in strictly convex Banach spaces.
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