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A characterization of tribes with respect to the Łukasiewicz t -norm

Erich Peter KlementMirko Navara — 1997

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give a complete characterization of tribes with respect to the Łukasiewicz t -norm, i. e., of systems of fuzzy sets which are closed with respect to the complement of fuzzy sets and with respect to countably many applications of the Łukasiewicz t -norm. We also characterize all operations with respect to which all such tribes are closed. This generalizes the characterizations obtained so far for other fundamental t -norms, e. g., for the product t -norm.

How non-symmetric can a copula be?

Erich Peter KlementRadko Mesiar — 2006

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A two-place function measuring the degree of non-symmetry for (quasi-)copulas is considered. We construct copulas which are maximally non-symmetric on certain subsets of the unit square. It is shown that there is no copula (and no quasi-copula) which is maximally non-symmetric on the whole unit square.

On some geometric transformation of t-norms.

Erich Peter KlementRadko MesiarEndre Pap — 1998

Mathware and Soft Computing

Given a triangular norm T, its t-reverse T*, introduced by C. Kimberling (Publ. Math. Debrecen 20, 21-39, 1973) under the name invert, is studied. The question under which conditions we have T** = T is completely solved. The t-reverses of ordinal sums of t-norms are investigated and a complete description of continuous, self-reverse t-norms is given, leading to a new characterization of the continuous t-norms T such that the function G(x,y) = x + y - T(x,y) is a t-conorm, a problem originally studied...

Generated triangular norms

Erich Peter KlementRadko MesiarEndre Pap — 2000


An overview of generated triangular norms and their applications is presented. Several properties of generated t -norms are investigated by means of the corresponding generators, including convergence properties. Some applications are given. An exhaustive list of relevant references is included.

Transformations of copulas

Erich Peter KlementRadko MesiarEndre Pap — 2005


Transformations of copulas by means of increasing bijections on the unit interval and attractors of copulas are discussed. The invariance of copulas under such transformations as well as the relationship to maximum attractors and Archimax copulas is investigated.

Remarks on Two Product-like Constructions for Copulas

We investigate two constructions that, starting with two bivariate copulas, give rise to a new bivariate and trivariate copula, respectively. In particular, these constructions are generalizations of the * -product and the -product for copulas introduced by Darsow, Nguyen and Olsen in 1992. Some properties of these constructions are studied, especially their relationships with ordinal sums and shuffles of Min.

Defects and transformations of quasi-copulas

Six different functions measuring the defect of a quasi-copula, i. e., how far away it is from a copula, are discussed. This is done by means of extremal non-positive volumes of specific rectangles (in a way that a zero defect characterizes copulas). Based on these defect functions, six transformations of quasi-copulas are investigated which give rise to six different partitions of the set of all quasi-copulas. For each of these partitions, each equivalence class contains exactly one copula being...

Characterizations of bivariate conic, extreme value, and Archimax copulas

Based on a general construction method by means of bivariate ultramodular copulas we construct, for particular settings, special bivariate conic, extreme value, and Archimax copulas. We also show that the sets of copulas obtained in this way are dense in the sets of all conic, extreme value, and Archimax copulas, respectively.

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