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Geometric mechanics on nonholonomic submanifolds

Olga Krupková — 2010

Communications in Mathematics

In this survey article, nonholonomic mechanics is presented as a part of geometric mechanics. We follow a geometric setting where the constraint manifold is a submanifold in a jet bundle, and a nonholonomic system is modelled as an exterior differential system on the constraint manifold. The approach admits to apply coordinate independent methods, and is not limited to Lagrangian systems under linear constraints. The new methods apply to general (possibly nonconservative) mechanical systems subject...

Noether theorem and first integrals of constrained Lagrangean systems

Olga Krupková — 1997

Mathematica Bohemica

The dynamics of singular Lagrangean systems is described by a distribution the rank of which is greater than one and may be non-constant. Consequently, these systems possess two kinds of conserved functions, namely, functions which are constant along extremals (constants of the motion), and functions which are constant on integral manifolds of the corresponding distribution (first integrals). It is known that with the help of the (First) Noether theorem one gets constants of the motion. In this...

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