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XLIX Konkurs na najlepszą pracę studencką z teorii prawdopodobieństwa i zastosowań matematyki

Krzysztof J. Szajowski — 2015

Mathematica Applicanda

XLIX Konkurs na najlepszą pracę studencką z teorii prawdopodobieństwa i zastosowań matematyki Konkurs organizowany jest przez Oddział Wrocławski PTM w celu propagowania wśród studentów problematyki teorii prawdopodobieństwa i zastosowań matematyki oraz promocji młodych matematyków uzyskujących oryginalne wyniki teoretyczne czy też rezultaty znajdujące zastosowania w innych dziedzinach nauki lub gospodarki. Prace zgłaszane na Konkurs są oceniane przez jury konkursu zgodnie z regulaminem konkursu...

Redakcja 2011 vol. 13(54)

Krzysztof J. Szajowski — 2011

Mathematica Applicanda

Redakcja / Komitet Redakcyjny Redakcja Witold Kosiński (redaktor naczelny) Mirosław Lachowicz (z-ca redaktora naczelnego) Krzysztof Szajowski (z-ca redaktora naczelnego) Komitet Redakcyjny Biologia matematyczna, biomatematyka  Teoria gier i badania operacyjne Jacek Błażewicz, Wojciech Kordecki,  Anna Jaśkiewicz, Krzysztof Szajowski, Mirosław Lachowicz, Ryszard Rudnicki  Andrzej Wieczorek Matematyka finansowa i ubezpieczeniowa  Statystyka...

From the Editor

Krzysztof J. Szajowski — 2017

Mathematica Applicanda

we are pleased to present you with volume 45 Mathematica Applicanda. The contents of this volume are several articles with interesting examples of mathematical modeling in different issues and using different methods. This diversity is probably the result of the efforts of the entire editorial team and to some extent reflects our research interests. Signals in the form of articles from outside Poland are extremely valuable. The fact that the portal of the magazine is visited by Internet users from...

From the Editor

Krzysztof J. Szajowski — 2016

Mathematica Applicanda

Mathematica Applicanda is very pleased to present Volume 44(1). This volume focuses on a special topic in Probability Theory, namely on the Theory and Applications of Optimal Stopping. The journal Mathematica Applicanda is for several reasons a natural place for this subject. Our longtime editor Prof. Bartoszyński was much interested in problems of Optimal Stopping and helped to  make such problems  known among distinguished Polish mathematicians. And, as many publications clearly indicate, this...

On a book 'Financial statistics and mathematical finance. Methods, models and applications.' by Ansgar Steland

Krzysztof J. Szajowski — 2016

Mathematica Applicanda

This book presents a careful and comprehensive introduction to some of the most important mathematical topics required for a thorough understanding of financial markets and the quantitative methods used to manage the assets there. The author has focused on arbitrage theory for pricing contingent claims and  statistical models and methods to analyze data from financial markets. It is quit new idea to combine the data analysis methods for mathematical models of founds, options and other derivatives....

Mathematics and the Economy

Krzysztof J. Szajowski — 2014

Mathematica Applicanda

Scientific activity can be described by specifying a different set of features. For so characterized the activity we can use one of the statistical methods that allow for aggregation and classification. Experts in the subject know that aggregation can be performed in different ways and at different levels of generated classes finish. In this note I'll try to mention the reasons which may give rise to separate distinct group of research in the discipline of applied mathematics or applications of...

Review of the book 'Statistics for imaging, optics, and photonics' by Peter Bajorski

Krzysztof J. Szajowski — 2015

Mathematica Applicanda

The book under review presents necessary analytical techniques in thecontext of real examples from various areas within the field, including remote sensing,color science, printing, and astronomy. Except the textbook the author provided aweb-page related material containing the data sets and various other material whichmakes the book more useful as the course monograph.

From the Editor

Krzysztof J. Szajowski — 2012

Mathematica Applicanda

We give readers of [Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae, Series III] Mathematica Applicanda the sequence number (Mathematica Applicanda for short). It appears in an extraordinary moment. Let us look at the cover. Its content is a visible justification of the claim that the moment is unique. There are a number of factors. The first one is that the magazine has been published for 40 years. The next one, the publisher has noted that readers' expectations have changed and, by the resolution of April...

Biography of the Guest Editor

Krzysztof J. Szajowski — 2016

Mathematica Applicanda

F. Thomas Bruss studied Mathematics in Saarbrücken (Germany), and, with a delegation grant from Saarbrücken, in Cambridge(UK) and in Sheffield(UK). He holds the Diplom-Mathematiker as well as his doctorate Dr. rer. nat. in Mathematics of the University of Saarbrücken. His scientific career began in 1977 at the University of Namur. In 1978 he received the docteur l´ egal Dr. en sc. and obtained tenure as First assistant a year later. His time in Namur also included visiting positions at the University...

XLVIII Konkurs na najlepszą pracę studencką z teorii prawdopodobieństwa i zastosowań matematyki

Krzysztof J. Szajowski — 2014

Mathematica Applicanda

XLVIII Konkursna najlepszą pracę studencką z teorii prawdopodobieństwa i zastosowań matematyki Konkurs organizowany jest przez Oddział Wrocławski PTM w celu propagowania wśród studentów problematyki teorii prawdopodobieństwa i zastosowań matematyki oraz promocji młodych matematyków uzyskujących oryginalne wyniki teoretyczne czy też rezultaty znajdujące zastosowania w innych dziedzinach nauki lub gospodarki. Prace zgłaszane na Konkurs są oceniane przez jury konkursu zgodnie z regulaminem konkursu...

On a book Algorithms for data science by Brian Steele, John Chandler and Swarn Reddy

Krzysztof J. Szajowski — 2017

Mathematica Applicanda

The book under review gives a comprehensive presentation of data science algorithms, which means on practical data analytics unites fundamental principles, algorithms, and data. Algorithms are the keystone of data analytics and the focal point of this textbook. The data science, as the authors claim, is the discipline since 2001. However, informally it worked before that date (cf. Cleveland(2001)). The crucial role had the graphic presentation of the data as the visualization of the knowledge hidden...

An apartment problem

Krzysztof J. Szajowski — 2014

Mathematica Applicanda

In the 60 - ies of the last century, several optimization problems referring to the sequential methods were investigated. These tasks may include the Robbins' problem of optimal stopping, the secretary problem (see the discussion paper by Ferguson(1989), the parking problem or the job search problem. Subtle details of the wording in these issues cause that each of these terms include family of problems that differ significantly in detail. These issues focused attention of a large group of mathematicians....

Jerzy Battek - computer scientist from mathematicians

Zbigniew HuzarKrzysztof J. Szajowski — 2019

Antiquitates Mathematicae

The article introduces the figure of Jerzy Jan Battek (January 14, 1927 - August 12, 1991), who belonged to this generation of youth who managed to survive the period of World War II, without interrupting school education altogether. During the occupation, he studied in secret sets of the Second Science Center and obtained a small high school diploma in 1945. He graduated in 1947 at the State Secondary School for Adults in Wrocław, after which he began studying at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics...

LII competition for the best student work in the theory of probability and applications of mathematics

Jan GoncerzewiczKrzysztof J. Szajowski — 2018

Mathematica Applicanda

The Wrocław Branch of the Polish Mathematical Society organizes in 2019 the 53rd edition of the competition aimed at promoting (dissemination, encouraging practising, showing meaning) among students of the theory of probability and applications of mathematics. At the same time, the competition promotes young mathematicians obtaining original theoretical results from probability studies, or results applied in other disciplines of science than mathematics, such as economy, engineering sciences, science,...

Konkurs na plakat promujący „XLVIII Konkurs na Najlepszą Pracę Studencką z Teorii Prawdopodobieństwa i Zastosowań Matematyki w roku 2014”

Jakub JernajczykKrzysztof J. Szajowski — 2015

Mathematica Applicanda

W roku akademickim 2013/14 zorganizowany został przez Oddział Wrocławski Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego, Wydział Architektury Wnętrz i Wzornictwa oraz Wydział Grafiki i Sztuki Mediów Akademii Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu konkurs na plakat promujący organizowany od ponad 45 lat przez Oddział Wrocławski PTM konkurs na „Najlepszą pracę z teorii prawdopodobieństwa i zastosowań matematyki”. Konkurs Plastyczny skierowany był do studentów Wydziału Architektury Wnętrz i Wzornictwa...

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